Chapter 2: Monster Crash

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Last season on Total Drama Island... Owen and Gwen battled it out for $100,000. In the end, Owen, a super-sized guy, won a super-sized check. But then gave it all up for the chance to win one million big ones! With the million smackeroos stuffed into a briefcase, our twenty-two campers set off on the Race for the Case! Until the Case was eaten by an alligator... then a shark. I bet you they didn't see that one coming. Haha, Now the fourteen who were the closest to winning have been given a chance to win another million dollars. Actually, It's the same money. They've been instructed to report to an old film lot for a whole new set of challenges. Forty-two days. Fifteen castmates, yes viewers, fifteen! We have a new contestant! And one heck of a lot of cash! Welcome to Total. Drama. Action!

I waited for the original cast members to arrive as I held onto my laptop. "Hey! Aren't you Chris' Intern?" I heard Heather ask as she and the other cast arrived. I opened the door and let them in. "Nice outfit," Gwen said, looking at me. "Thanks luv," I told her. Since it is an x reader, and you could imagine whatever clothes I'm wearing, I swear on the River Styx if our outfit is a banana suit or something, I would love you. Don't be shy. Put your outfit choices in the comment sections. We don't judge here.

I was the last one to get in as I closed the van door. Yes, you heard me, van. I let them ride on my 15 passenger van Chris got me for my 16th birthday since I didn't know if the bus was safe enough. I walked up to Billy, one of the interns I was friends with, and handed him my keys. "You know where to go Bill." I smiled, "On it, (n/n)." I smiled at everyone before taking a seat at the very back. "So, intern... Where are we going?" Heather asked, turning around from her seat.

"We're going a trip, on our favorite r- Sorry I got distracted.. We're going somewhere that's close to a city." I told her and smiled before she bombarded me with questions. "Talking to the intern to spill the beans, Heather?" Gwen teased as Heather rolled her eyes. "Is she bothering you, sugar?" Leshawna questioned, and I shook my head 'no.' "My name's (Y/n), actually, Heather, not intern and no, Leshawna but thanks anyways." I said and gave them a smile. Why am I smiling so much, you ask? Well, I have a resting bitch face. I want them to at least feel welcome. They've gone through a lot during season one, and now they're going to be stuck here.

After a while, the van stopped since we had arrived at our destination. "Okay, everyone! please head outside." I told them as I stood up, "Duncan, kindly open the door." I told him as he rolled his eyes before doing so. "Man, I missed the smell of the city." I heard Duncan say outside. I walked over to Billy. "Thanks for being the driver dude, see ya soon and take care of my van aight?" I told him as I patted his shoulder, "You got it (n/n)." I chuckled before walking out after everyone left, and soon, Bill drove off. "Where is everybody?" Leshawna asked. "Uh, maybe we got off at the wrong stop?" Gwen asked me, "No, we're in the right place." I told them. Heather looked at the view and hissed, "I'm not hanging around here." Leshawna smiled, "You're gonna give up the chance at a million big ones? Heh, that's a lot of hair weaves." "Guess I can stay for a bit." Heather replied while Beth decided to join in the conversation. "Face it, the money's the reason we all put up with Chris," Everyone, including me, noticed she doesn't have her braces anymore. "Beth, you got your braces off! Nice!" Trent exclaimed. "Hot as ever," Justin commented while his dreamy music played in the background, causing me to give the crew members a look.

"You look fi-i-ine girl!" Leshawna complimented, "You really do!" Gwen agrees, and Lindsay faces Beth. "You are totally on your way to looking at the part of my new BFF, that's my new best French friend. I am so moving to France when I win." I tuned their conversation out as Ifiddling on my laptop since I was at the side, awkwardly standing there, pretending I didn't exist. "Intern, what are we doing here exactly?" Duncan asked me. All of them stopped talking and stared at me, waiting for my reply. I opened my mouth to speak but was suddenly caught off by Chris, honking the horn while driving the golf cart. "Dude, it's about time!" Duncan exclaimed. "Get in losers! and (Y/n). Sheesh, we haven't got all day! This cart's rented by the hour!" Chris impatiently said as I sat near the exit. Chris started driving, "Izzy! Run!" Owen shouted, making me turn around. Owen facepalmed, "I mean Kaleidoscope!" I watched as Izzy or Kaleidoscope did parkour and got into the golf cart.

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