Kasdeya wakes up from her dream, her eyes bloodshot. Every night she had been crying. Dreaming of Athanasia. She had been tampering in the dark arts for a while. These dreams were probably side affects. Every night she heard whispers. She got up and walked through the halls to her study. Kasdeya opened the door slowly and quietly. She stepped into her study. Closing and locking the door behind her, she walked to her table.
She opened the drawer and got out a thick book. Pointing to the ingredients for the spell
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-Toad skin
-Dragon scales
-Unicorn hair
-Blood of a wizard
-Jeweled eye of Obelians
-Nails of a Siren
Most of these she could find in the black tower, but Faerie Circles? The rarest types of magic circles. Kasdeya knew exactly who to ask.I guess it's time to meet Lucas.
"Come on Lucas!"Kasdeya pleaded "No way." replied the man name Lucas. "C'mon grandpa!" Lucas grew angry "I'm not a grandpa, you idiot." "Yeah, yeah. Please Lucas, you know how much I love my sister."Lucas stayed quiet for a while. He finally sighs. "Look kid, I'll tell you where it is. But remember these things have consequences." Kasdeya nodded in excitement. "You'll find one in the forest of where you used to live. Around that place with the tree where you hid your money."
Kasdeya grinned. She turned around immediately and ran to that tree. Once she was far gone Lucas looked down with melancholy in his eyes. Another person gone. He wished he had known better than to care, yet here he was. About to lose someone again.
Kasdeya's eyes glinted in the moon light, but then she slowed down. The next full moon was in 8 days. 'I'll find the faerie circle and then prepare the ingredients for the full moon.' She was determined, and yet to know the mess soon to happen.
It was morning by the time she got back. She opened the doors to the bustling of the servants. She ignored them and went upstairs. Kasdeya had found the circle, but she had yet to find the ingredients. Today was the first quarter. So she had around a week to get the ingredients. She passed Evangeline and continued to walk upstairs.
"Excuse me." Kasdeya turned around to see Evangeline staring down. "Are you perhaps angry with me?"Kasdeya raised an eyebrow and replied"No, I have no reason to be." Then she walked away leaving Evangeline alone. Evangeline felt like Kasdeya had lied.