We were too close to the stars

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Mattheo Riddle P.O.V

I am sitting at a corner of the Astronomy Tower. The sky is free of clouds, I can see the constellations. They dazzle me, Andromeda grew to be my favorite.

I shouldn't have done that with the quill in front of Eleanor, it was risky. But i'm afraid that if I hadn't done it I could have hurt her. But still.
I take a puff of the cigarette feeling the wind against my face, and gently pulling back my curls when all of the sudden I realize that I'm not alone.

- That kills you know?- I look back to see who was speaking but I already knew that it was her, Eleanor.

- That's kinda the point, you know?- I say while I look closely at her. She's pretty. I see my reflection on her hazel eyes, they are full of sadness tho.

- What do you even mean?- she says while sitting next to me.

- Y'all smoke to show off, I smoke to die.

I look at her to see how she's gonna react. It almost looks like she feels bad for me,  her eyes started to shine and then, I see a tear rolling down her cheek.

- A cigarette. That's what they say that caused the fire on the night that my parents died.- she speaks with a trembling voice.

Suddenly I had this huge urge to gently wipe off her tear. But I didn't. I have no clue of what is happening to me. She seems different, probably isn't.

- I'm sorry to hear that.- It's all I manage to say, why am I feeling bad for her? I'm not even supposed to feel anything.

The moonlight is reflecting on her face. Fuck. She really is beautiful.

Eleanor (Elle) P.O.V

Why is he looking at me like that? I came here to think about the possibility of Draco being a Death Eater, but now I only have one thing on my mind.
I take a moment to really look at him. He has a scar that starts just above his right eyebrow and finishes just a bit under his eye. I wonder what might've happened. He's really attractive and doesn't seem as bad as someone makes him look, he just looks sad.

-You're not that intimidating.- I say while laughing a bit.

- That's because you haven't seen me mad, yet.- he smirks.

- And I am not scared to.

-You should be.- he smiles a bit.

- Didn't know that you could smile. Shocking!

- Yeah well, it doesn't happen that often.

- Glad it did now. It's getting late, I should probably head back to my dorm.- I say while getting up.- Goodbye...

But he doesn't say it back, he just sits there looking at the stars.

I'm at the dungeons, I say the password to enter our common room "pure blood", the door opens and I see Lorenzo with a bottle of fire whiskey in one hand and a joint on the other one. Seny is sitting on Blaise's lap laughing loudly. They all stop what they are doing when I enter the loud space.

- Hey stranger, it's a little late. What have you been up to?- Lorenzo asks.

- I just needed some time by myself you know?- I say while sitting next to him grabbing the bottle of whiskey off his hand and taking a sip of the drink. It burned my throat and I can feel it going down. It's stronger than I thought.

- Someone's acting brave today..- Draco says.

- You're the one to talk.- I laugh, he's obviously drunk.- Alright, I am heading to bed.

- Already?- Enzo asks me.

- Yeah, Im tired and we have classes tomorrow.- I kiss his cheek and get up to leave. We broke up but he's still my best friend.

I finally reach my bed, I am exhausted. I can't help but think about Riddle. I don't think he's that bad, I just think he's broken, like me. 
I don't know what it was but the way he looked at me earlier made me feel things, things that I haven't felt in a long time. Not love, far from that. I don't know what it is exactly but is way better than that numb feeling.

Mattheo Riddle P.O.V

She lights up something inside of me. Maybe because she was the first person to not judge me because of my father, she should tho.
If she had a clue of what I have done she would stay away from me, I know she would. I'm a beast and I don't deserve no one's mercy or pity.

It feels good tho, human heat, I haven't felt that in years, not since my mother left me. That broke me into pieces and it's something that I have never told anyone and I don't plan to.

I take a few breaths of fresh air before heading to my room. I don't share it with anyone, the two guys that were there left as soon as I opened the door.

I need to keep in my mind that I was sent here to accomplish something, and I can't get distracted by her, not matter how tempting that idea is.

I know that this is short but I wanted to post something today! I also think that i'm gonna update maybe 2 times a week so I can have time to think.
Could be better :)

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