Chapter 1: Help Me!

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This is my first, so please leave nice comments!!!

Chapter 1

     Deep in the woods of La Grange, was a hiden lake that was crystal clear. It being Autumn, the trees were loosing their leaves, and leaving the ground painted with golds, reds, oranges, and ocasionly, browns. Ashley always came here when she was troubled, which was often. Since she never saw anyone in the woods, she thought she was the only one who knew about the lake. She has a very tragic life. Her mother, Destiny, killed herself when Ashley was only four. Ashley's father was shocked, but moved on. He soon found a new wife, Brittany. Now, Brittany wasn't a kid person, and she was also self-centered. So, naturally, Brittany hated Ashley. Brittany would always call Ashley horrible names and give her hell. Ashley was a mute girl at school. She never said anything, and had no friends, and was called 'emo' all the time, when she wasn't. Life went on, and Ashley never told her father about what Brittany was saying to her. At age 10, another death came in the family. Ashley's father was driving home from work one night, and an eighteen-wheeler ran a red light and hit the car. It was death on impact.

     Ashley thought it couldn't get any worse. She was wrong. Brittany just shrugged of the news, while Ashley cried herself to sleep and didn't eat for three days. Brittany would always say,"Shut the heck up! And if you don't eat, that's fine with me" Brittany found a new husband in a week. Of course, she found him at the bar. His name was George. Brittany would always tell George that Ashley was  a prostitute, and emo. She said that she brings random guys into her room and gets paid to do it with them. This was all lies, of course.  She was still a virgin, and wanted to save herself for marriage.

     Sadly, she was running through the woods, again. Why was she running though the woods, you ask? Well, lets go back, oh, an hour? She was walking home from school. As she was walking, she remembered she had to write a paper about her favorite thing to do and why. That was easy for Ashley. She was thinking about how to word her paper when she came to the front of her house. She hadn't realized she was there, until Brittany yelled, "Hurry your butt up!" Ashley walked through the front door, past the living room, and up the stairs. She went down the hall, to the last door on the right. She set her bag on her small bed, and pulled out a peice of paper and pen. She had always had a passion for drawing. So, obviously, she wrote about her style of drawing.

     When she finished, about two minutes later (it was a one paper thing, and it was easy), she stuck her paper and pen in her bag. Just as she sat down on her bed, and layed back, George and Brittany burst through the door. Ashley didn't see this coming, so she sat up quickly in shock. "Come here, brat," Brittany said with pleasure. Ashley hesitently got up, and walked to them, at the doorway. Not a second since she stood in front of them, she was on the ground, holding her jaw, which George just punched. "That's what you get for being a curse," George said with disgust. Brittany only laughed.

     In Ashley's atempt to get up, George kicked her in the stomach four times. They left quickly, laughing at her. Ashley quickly stood up, ran out of her room, to the bathroom, leaned over the sink, and coughed up blood. With in one minute, she stopped coughing up blood and headed to her room, and grabbed her bag, wallet, and jacket. She ran down the stairs and towards the door. She had just cracked it open when a voice made her jump. "Where the heck do you think you are going?" Brittany said with a slurred voice. She had a glass drink in her had, containing tequila. "Why would you care?" Ashley said, before sprinting out the door, and down the street. Then she heard someone yelling after her. "Ashley! Ashley! You get your butt back here now! Stop, or I will kick your butt!" George said in between breathes as he ran after her. This only made her run faster. Soon they were in the middle of town. "Shiz!" Ashley whispered as she noticed she passed the street that led to the woods.

She spotted an alley, not too far away. She ran even faster and took an extremely quick turn down the alley, and leaned against the wall. She watched George run past the alley. Ashley quickly ran out of the alley to go to the street that led to the woods. And boy, did she run! She didn't want George to notice her, and tried to be as quiet as possible, while she was running. She found the road, and ran down it. The road soon turned from gravel, to dirt. She was walking now. She wanted to save as much energy as possible. She soon found the clearing through the trees where she normally entered. She entered the woods without a sound. She has never got lost in the woods before. She had great memory. As she walked, the leaves silently cunched under her feet. She soon reached the lake.


Hmmm.. What's gonna happen next? Don't worry. I will upload more later. So, Comment, and tell me what you think so far! I won't write more, until I get at least three comments! Thank you, for reading!

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