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Ok so where am I going I asked
You need something mister john said walking out of a mist with one hand on his chin in a thoughtful manner
Yes I don't know where your house is
Oh yea follow me he said walking ahead i began walking right behind and five minutes later we were at the edge of town in front of a hill with stone steps
Come on let's get moving he said you live on a hill
Yes my house is placed where a shrine was years ago so that's why we're going up here because it was placed up here when this town was just a village long ago
Alright I best get started now so I can rest soon
I began to walk up the steps and finished an hour later and collapsed at the door
Dear god I need a faster way to get up here I cried out panting like a dog the house was more like a mansion then a house now that I look at it close up
Well you could open the door and go rest in your new room with mister john gesturing towards the door right i said opening the door with my keys what kind of house is this
It's a old style Japanese home on the outside with modern Japanese interior
So what your saying is that your rich
No you are he replied looking at me
WHAT?! I yelled top of my lungs mister john covered his ears yes when I died you also inherited the fortune
How much do I get
35.000 a month
35.000 a month I replied in shock
Yes my master gave me his business when he died
How? I questioned with a look of surprise and shocked on my face. Simple I'm his son so I got everything he owned or should I say adopted son to be exact
Your adopted ? Come on I'll show you to the living room and I'll tell you about myself and you tell me about yourself
What kind of living room is it? It's like an apartment sort of thing where the kitchen a living room are the same room now hurry up or  I'll leave you behind. Near at the end of the hallway waiting. I began sprinting to catch up
He lead me to the living room where I saw a tv with a maplewood tv stand a wooden short table with grey pillow cushions sitting around the table and in the kitchen their was four silver coloured bar stools in front of a grey and white marble countertop.
My god this place is amazing and you say I own this place? I asked completely starstruck not just the house but 20 kilometres of land which you can use to train your power so shall we sit down and talk and  get you some food but i never went shopping so you may want to order takeout and have it delivered
How are they getting it here the driver would have to climb the steps?
They can use the stone driveway that reaches from the house to the street
Then why didn't you mention that before?
They take the same amount of time well unless you have a vehicle or bike to get here
I'm buying a mountain bike now where's the phone I'm ordering a Chinese? Oh on the countertop he said replying to my question I went to the countertop for the phone noticing i was a bit shorter then the counter but got the phone anyway I noticing a flyer for a Chinese place  I then recognised that it was a place people said was amazing so I looked through it to find something that looked absolutely divine so I ordered that with some side dishes
Ok dinners ordered now let's talk shall we i said looking at mister john who was already seated at the table waiting patiently for me
Never thought you'd ask he replied now can you tell me about your past? I inquired
That's fair I was born in Ireland to two of the top ten heroes they had hoped I got a stronger quirk to be the number one hero in Ireland and maybe even England but when I was four I was diagnosed as quirkless and the next day they told me that we were going to Japan for a week but they left me on the streets all alone on the third day of being here i somehow managed to survive for a week when I met my adoptive father and owner of the power of the kings before me he brought me to his home and called the police and his brother pro hero eraserhead  they found out my parents left Japan and that they left me on the streets that day hoping I would die there then my dad asked me if he could adopt me and no one saw a problem all they needed was my name but since I couldn't remember it I said Johnathan since I thought it was cool and took the last name aizawa
8 years later when me and my dad were doing vigilante work together to get me use to fighting and whatnot but got a bit reckless when a villain was about to kill me he took it gravely fatal wound and in his last few moments gave me the power but before dying he told me he loved me and to live life to it's fullest
I was close to tears what was his quirk? i asked like me and you he was quirkless but he always did his best
It had then dawned on me that the pro hero erasurehead was his uncle. wait your erasures nephew? i blurted out. And here it is the great reaction I was waiting for yes he's my uncle and my dad was his brother even though his husband was loud af and made my ears bleed and i also did have a cousin shinso but I don't know what he looks like
I then heard a doorbell ring guess the food's here i said getting up to answer the door Wait how am I paying for this i realised I had no cash? Look under the fake flowers in the hall you should see about 10050 (65.78 pounds) yen cash
Alright i said leaving the room and looking under the flower pot to find the exact amount I opened the door to see a woman holding a plastic bag that will be that will be 1000 yen please (i don't know how much 15 pounds is in Japanese yen so I made up a number) oh here you go giving it and a tip to the woman as a thank you she handed me the food and I closed the door after she left going back to the living room I heard mister john yelling in frustration
I went in and seen him at the tv stand trying to pick up the remote but failing miserably
I grabbed it and asked what are we going to watch? I was planning on watching agents of s.h.i.e.l.d tonight where is it on i asked?Disney+ he said mumbling depressed alright i click on the app and searched it up i then hit the start series button then got up to get a plate and start eating
I let out a yawn i then looked at the clock to see it was 11
Hey where's the bedrooms i asked ready to sleep i guess it's getting late turn of the tv and I'll show you where they are. thanks i yawned turning it off and getting up he showed me to a guest room for the night and told me that I would find a box of old clothes under the bed i grabbed the box mister john left the room so I could get changed and I put on a oversized black T-shirt with grey lines on the sleeves and matching shorts he came back in and sat on the bed
Hey I just wanted to say I'm sorry I couldn't show you around the place tell you about the power put you in mine or the master bedroom just talking about myself and most Importantly forcing you to leave your life behind he said in an apologetic tone you have no need to be sorry for anything I said getting up on the bed I enjoyed today I would even regard it as the best day of my life and I don't mind leaving them now because you are more of a family to me then they were and I don't care you can't show me around tell me about the power or put me in yours or your dads room
I guess I can do it all over the weekend before I send you to a new school and tomorrow we'll go get you that mountain bike he said ruffling my hair also tomorrow I'll tell you about a special tradition the kings of lucis do ok
Ok. Now you try to get some sleep and if you need me just call now good my padawon
Are you a. yes I'm a Star Wars fan he said before I finished my sentence now night my student he said before leaving
I crawled into bed and fell asleep instantly

The picture at the top is a general idea of the living room
I'm currently finishing this at 02:16 in the morning
And 1612 words good i need to make these shorter
Anyways bye ✌️

The new king quirkless of lucis (mha x final fantasy xv) [ON HOLD]Where stories live. Discover now