the interrogation of the king

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Hello again my readers let's go.

I woke up with a killer migraine and prompto who must of been up before me rubbing his head for probably the same reason as me they I heard an extremely familiar voice which didn't sound very pleased.
Way to go super star's you got your fucking asses thrown in jail and none of us can fish your asses out of this shit-storm. After he screamed at us for what happened He began cursing our names in Greek and that's when we knew he was pissed and if he could rip our heads off he would.
Once he was done cursing us and me and prompto's headaches had subsided enough. When the door opened with three people coming through erasurehead, best jeanist, and snipe all with no masks, goggles and scarves on and jeanist in a repaired suit entering the room with some tea.
They placed them on the table and took a seat in front of us looking like they needed a rest and a drink 🥃.
You look like shit. I Said to prompto. Feel like it too. sounding exhausted from the unplanned nap and rubbing his eyes.
Here I brought you your glasses from the house snipe said reaching into his pocket and pulling as out a pair of black glasses and offering them to prompto. Thanks jack he said taking the glasses and putting them on.
Two questions one how do you know snipe? Two you were glasses? Snipe is my big brother and my quirk sometimes goes into hyperdrive when in use for long periods of time which cause strain on the eyes and migraines and these glasses negate those effects.
The two pro heroes who haven't said a word gave snipe a look of i'm sorry but what the fuck and since when. While mister john was staring at a wall which must've been where everyone else was watching.
I whispered loud enough so mister john could hear me but no one else would hear anything.
Who's on the other side of the glass? Present mic, midnight, edgeshot, kamui woods and a police commissioner or detective can't tell there in a darker spot then the rest but I can tell its a woman from the outline but I believe they have a gun on them. He spoke crystal clear but only the two of us could hear him.
What no endeavour? Nope the coward was to scared to be near you the bastard. The tyrants fears the next monarch. I began to say when mister john finished what I was about to say. fearing there power and change but for those who refuse change and wish to have it stay the same. Camila the 15 king of lucis truly amazing words she spoke but lord you read her book. Yes of course I have truly a good read her life was an inspiration to women all over the world.
Ahem erasurehead coughed. Do you need a cough drop. Prompto asked. No now we need you two to answer some questions but you can call your lawyers if you wish so. Answered sternly. No we would not like to call our lawyers. I said. And why's that? Because we don't need them at the moment
If you wish then shall we start the questioning aizawa? Just go ahead. Best jeanist turned his attention from erasurehead to us. Alright first question what are your names? Prompto riboruba. Noctis shimura. We both answered. Ok thank you second question what is your age?
15 and 17. Third question what are your quirks? Perfect shot. Glass weapons.
Ok (he's lying about something I just can't seem to put my finger on it but kamui woods is searching up his name and quirk as we speak.)
Aizawa began to speak. Why exactly did you become a vigilante? For entertainment and training. For what are you planning to go to a hero school? No a normal high school. Ok next question is. He started saying before best jeanist interrupted.
your name and quirk don't exist on the government database noctis. what do you mean jeanist? snipe questioned. there is no record of him even existing no birth records, quirk record and on top of that all is that the only record is that of one thing and that's records that are useless like his digital footprint and thats all shit we can't use to provide record of even existing so he's thrown woods into a spiral.
me and prompto leaned down and began whispering to each other and mister john while jeanist began to loose his shit
oh john please tell me thats really happening? prompto asked eagerly. yep kamui woods is on the floor in a ball repeating "I don't wanna see records ever again" over and over while the person who was in the corner is now try to console him while she's having her own mental breakdown it's funny as shit🤣.! Holy shit i gave him a mental spiral just from not being able to find my birth record's.
Yeah if only they knew that your name is that of a "dead kid." Prompto said giving the end of his sentence quotation marks. Yea
Aizawa seemed to have heard the tail end of our whispered conversation and asked. I'm sorry but what was that about dead kid. Jeanist and snipe stopped what they were doing and gave aizawa a confused look. I only caught the tail end of the conversation but they were talking about something and I heard dead kid. I gave prompto a look of o fuck the jig is up. And prompto gave me a look to reply that said shit I'm so sorry I didn't think this would happen. Mister john yelled out. Don't be sorry it would have happened eventually best jeanist and my uncle would have picked up on it sooner or later there smart people and my uncle deals with this a lot he can smell it by now. The two of us shot him dirty looks that said no shit Sherlock and of fucking course we knew that you dipshit. Hey what are you two lock at and answer the question. Snipe burst out bringing us out of our unheard silent conversation.
I'm sorry what were you asking us? We were asking you. He said pointing to me. To tell us your real name and quirk is now start. Ok ok but can I just ask you to keep everything here a secret no one breaths a word of this and if there's a recording that this part be deleted or muted so people don't learn about it ok! They all gave a nod even the ones behind the glass which was confirmed by mister john.
Alright well my real name is izuku yagi and I'm quirkless.
They burst into a roaring laughter. Yeah that's the best joke I've heard all week izuku yagi has been dead for 8 years and that fight earlier how could you even fight like that quirkless not even aizawa could do any of that and he fights quirkless. Snipe said. Your kidding me you say all that to my best friend and I've seen all of them hell I could call at least 4 more people who've seen him fight and can confirm everything. Please do I'd like see them and what else they have to say to add to this giant joke. Snipe said close to tears as he was laughing as there was a noise in the hall the door bursting open to see miruko, shoto, denki and shinso ( holding hands) standing there looking like they just ran from a serial killer.
We were just talking about you guys also what the hell happened to you four? We ran from the train station to get here. Shoto said panting like a dog.
Well anyways these would be the people who can confirm everything.
Mister john tapped my shoulder to get my attention. I turned my head to see him miming  drawing a bow and arrow. Miming to me to use the twin bows of the mind to shoot snipe, aizawa, present mic so they can see him.
But before I could best jeanist ask. Would you like to come on in? To which they all entered. Hey izu, hey prompto, hey dad. Shinso said to me, prompto and aizawa. In shock me and aizawa asked yelling. HE'S YOUR WHAT? And YOU KNOW THESE TWO? Oh right you two never met dad this is noctis shimura and noct this is my dad shouta aizawa. He introduced us to the other. You said hey izu when you came in why? He looked over aizawa's shoulder to look at us and I mouthed. "I told them my real name and that I'm quirkless but they don't believe me" to which he gave me a look of "o okay"
Because that's his real name and did he tell you he's quirkless. Yes he did why. He asked raising a eye. You could ask him a few questions about himself up to the day he "died". That's a good idea. he said moving his eyes from shinsos face down to his hand. But before I do what I this he asked with a stern look on his face. He looked confused and looked at us were we were signaling to him he's still holding denki hand. He gave a look that said it all.
Um dad this is my boyfriend denki. Hello my name is denki kaminari pleasure to meet you. Denki said giving his best golden retriever smile. What do we say about blonds. Your one to talk you married one. Touché but still.
All right sorry to interrupt the family moment but I'm just going to a to this. I said as I summoned the twin bows of the mind and drew them back arrows at the ready aiming at my four targets and firing. All of which were caught by someone else. Aizawa and snipe were down and so was mic confirmed by mister john.
A second later they got up looking up wide eyed looking at mister john. Hey uncle nice to see you again. mister john said giving a small wave
Johnathon? He said close to tears running around the table to try and hug him but passing through him. Why why can't I touch you? He was just about to speak before present mic came bursting in screaming "Johnny" we all covered our ears as he yelled before falling on his face infront of mister john's feet.
You had to marry the loud one didn't you. He remarked. Now can I explain myself but before I can shinso why aren't you surprised that I'm your cousin. I had a sneaking suspicion. All right can you please explain this? snipe burst out.
Well I'm these two's nephew and his cousin. I've been dead 8 years the full story Is that I was the vigilante ruler before izuku but got severely injured by stain and hawks in a three way fight and ran away not before stain got one more stab at me in my side I got away but crashed into Izuku's school classroom which led to an evacuation he stay behind and we had a chat telling each other about ourselves and I felt sorry for him so I gave him a special power that I had got from dad and but not before he wrote a fake suicide note and left the school hidden under an illusion after that the rest is history.
Mic burst into tears and aizawa was comforting him while the rest of the pros looked like they needed to have a vacation or like they were going crazy.
Well that was quite a nice story. We heard an unknown voice say we looked behind us to see a walking rat talking to us. Ahhh rat prompto screamed and jumped into my arms like a cartoon character. I gave him a look before I dropped him on his Ass.
Hello my name is nezu I'm the principal of ua high and I heard from my good friend ozpin and I wish to speak to you lot. Referring to me, mister john, prompto, shoto, denki, shinso, miruko, aizawa, mic and snipe.
Ok would you like to leave to talk somewhere else or what? Yes there's a nice tea house nearby that offers private rooms for business we can go there.
Ok do lead to way I said as we were walking out of the interrogation room

In the private room in the tea house

So before we start I have a question. Mister john started and what is it? How can you see and hear me. I believe it is because I am an animal not a human so your can't be seen must only work on humans. That seems reasonable thank you.
Now If I may I have two questions my first one is directed to you young um... I prefer noctis. Young noctis would you mind telling me about yourself and your story?
Oh that's ok my real name is izuku yagi but I prefer people call me noctis shimura, I'm 16, proficient in multiple weapons and I'm the inheritor of the sparrow foundation and I know how to drive a car.
How can you be the inheritor of the sparrow foundation when you have no legal connection to the aizawa family. Well since I died I can't run it so I gave it to izuku along with everything I owned cards, house, company everything but there still under my name and I can't access my will to have him sign because my lawyer refuses to hand it over because he's not legally apart of the family. I'll get that for you tomorrow ok kid. Thanks uncle. Mister john said smiling.
You told me about yourself but not your story is there something you don't want to talk about? No not at all just it's quite a long story. I don't mind go on ahead us pro heroes would like to know. Okay if you insist. I told them my story and nezu was sitting there calmly drinking his tea. Well there's something I didn't expect anyways you mentioned something called the power of the king. Ah well. I explained the power of the kings and aizawa said "I can't believe that my brother and nephew wielded such a strong power and to avoid people discovering it he hid it and became a vigilante.
Ok thank you for answering that now that leaves the second question this is directed to both of you. I want you two to enrol in the hero course. Ok but instead of you just handing it to us we'd like to take the exam like everyone else to prove ourselves. Prompto said exactly what I was thinking. Fair enough anyways I must be off now good have a good day good bye. Nezu said before excusing him self to leave and we all left to go home.

2539 words god that took forever to write
Anyways I'm finishing this at 05:03 anyways bye

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