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Tanaya was making her way to her bedroom when she passed by her elder brother banging on her sister's door. "What is it, Yuvi? Why are you ruining everyone's morning peace?" she asked, pulling down her headphones.

Yuvaan turned around to face her, a stern look on his face. "Look at our kumbkharan sister. Eleven in the morning and she's just not ready to get up!" Yuvaan whined. Tanaya grinned.

"Bro, you're so cute!" she exclaimed, pulling his cheeks. Yuvaan frowned, swatting her arms away. "The only way to wake up Anika," Tanaya began, "is to give her a morning surprise!"

Yuvaan grinned, understanding the plan.


"Ach!" Anika screamed, drenched in water. Tanaya and Yuvaan laughed at her state, high-fiving each other. Anika frowned and glared at her siblings.

"Yuvi, Tanu...mind explaining yourselves?" she asked, crossing her arms to make herself look more intimidating. Tanaya controlled her giggles (failing miserably as she looked at her wet sister) and tried to speak.

"You..weren't...getting up... so... Yuvi and I....played this prank...on you!" Tanaya managed between her laughs. Yuvaan couldn't control himself hearing Tanaya's statement, the gravity of what he had done sinking in at that moment, and he, too, laughed at Anika's state.

Huffing, Anika got up from bed and strode into the bathroom to freshen up, with the little respect she had left.


"Anika, what took you so long?" Nisha asked her daughter as she set the table for breakfast. Yuvi and Tanu laughed to themselves. "Yeah, Ani! You shouldn't even have had to shower!" Tanu teased, and Yuvi almost choked on his pancakes.

"I had to dry the sheets, dear sister," Anika said through gritted teeth as she sat down at the table.

"Good morning, baccho!" Rajesh greeted his children. "Good morning, Papa," the kids chorused.

"How are all of you?"

"Tanu is lost in her world of music and studies, I'm working on an important case for the law firm, and Anika..." Yuvi trailed off, a grin playing on his lips.

"Anika is doing great, too! Even though her stupid siblings decided to throw a bucket of water on her this morning!" Anika said with an evil smile. Rajesh's eyes widened upon hearing this from his eldest daughter.

The man immediately turned to his son. "Yuvaan Maheshwari, what did you do to your sister?" Rajesh asked strictly.

Yuvi gulped a morsel of pancakes nervously, avoiding his father's gaze.

"Yuvaan..." his father warned as he tapped his foot impatiently. Yuvi looked over at his father and winced. Oh, yes, the man was boiling.

"It wasn't just me! And it was Tanaya's plan!"

Tanaya looked up from breakfast in shock. "I—"

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