😁Day with Asmo/Murder..😮🩸

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{Timeskip to the end of the day}

Y/n's pov

It's the end of the day, im floating on Chastifol, looking for Asmo. I spot him talking to some witches, so I go over to him

Y/n-"Hey Asmo, you ready to go?"

Witch1-"Asmo, who's this bitch?"

Asmo-"This is the new exchange student, I'm taking her shopping~"

Y/n-"Sup, names Y/n L/n, and I would appreciate if you didn't call me a bitch."

Witch2-"What are you gonna do about it HUMAN!?"

Y/n- *Sighs* "This is ridiculous, Asmo, if you wanna go shopping another day that's fine. I don't feel like fighting anymore people today." *Still laying on Chastifol*

Asmo-"No! I wanna go today~! Also, why would you fight anymore people today? Who else did you fight besides that demon who was picking on Luke?"

Y/n-"Two other demons, because they don't know how to shut the fuck up. Also, because they woke me up, when I said not to. I said 'The only people who can wake me up are Satan, Belphie, Beel, Lucifer, Solomon, Luke, And Simeon. If you ain't one of those people and you wake me up, I'll kill you, or just beat your ass' I fought enough people for one fucking day, and don't feel like fighting anyone else. Although, I will if I have to, but I don't really want to."

Asmo-"Ohh~ Okay, why'd they mess with you though..? Do they not know that ur not a normal 'Human'?"

Y/n-"Apparently not Asmo, but they learned their lessons not to fuck with me. Oh Btw, I made up a nickname for you."

Asmo-"What is it~?"


Asmo- *Blushes because of your voice* "T-That's a nice n-nickname.."

Witches-"Why are you blushing because of a mere human Asmo!? He's nothing compared to us!!"

Y/n- *Ignores them* "Well are we going Azzy?"

Asmo- *Still blushing* "Y-Yeah, let's go~!" *Starts walking away with y/n*

Witches- *Very angry* *Runs up to y/n, attacking him*

Y/n- *Stops their attacks with a finger* "Please stop, I don't wanna fight anymore."

Witches-"He's ours hoe!!"

Y/n- *Sighs* "Azzy, step back a little please."

Asmo- *Does what he says, not wanting to get in the middle of it*

{In your mind}

Y/n-"Nastu, Gajeel, Wendy, Sting, Rouge, Laxus, and Cobra, please let me use your magic."

N/G/W/S/R/L/C-"Yea, go ahead n/n"



Y/n-"Ultimate Dragon..ROARRRR!!!!" *Shoots the witches with it at 10%, not wanting to hurt them to much*

Witches- *Knocked out cold*

Asmo-"Did you have to use full power y/n..?"

Y/n-"Hm? What do you mean? That wasn't full power, that's was only 10%. I didn't wanna hurt them that much though. Guess I used to much, my bad.."
*Scratches his cheek* "Well, are you ready to go 'Shopping' Azzy?"

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