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I'm sorry if it looks like I've abandoned this book😣

The silence in this hour was unlike any other.

The loss of Scott took a toll on the group. The anger, sadness, and fear filled up each and everyone as the time went by.

Blue Mask's POV
I laughed. "I knew it! I knew killing Scott will be excellent! Now the group won't be able to concentrate since their friend is gone!"

Mason smirked. "Who's next?"

Red Mask grabbed their list. "So, we did, Nel, Mike, Alex, Beau, Sarah, Leigh, Todrick, Ben, Troye, and Scott..."

"Who's next on the list?" Mason asked.

I grabbed a blindfold tied it to Mason's eyes.

"What's going on?" He asked.

Red Mask handed him a knife in his right hand. "There are 10 pictures of the remaining survivors ahead of you. Use this knife to aim for one of them. That's the person we're killing this hour."

Mason nodded and held the knife steadily. He took a deep breath and threw the knife.

Red Mask laughed. "Take off your blindfold."

Mason gasped. "No...not him!!"

I rolled my eyes. "Mark had a choice sweetie! Either to be with us or against us. He made his choice, and now he has to deal with the consequences."

Mason wiped the tears that were free falling from his face. "I understand."

Red Mask smirked. "Good, and just so you know, Mark is gonna die a slow and painful death."

Mason sighed as Red Mask and I left the room.

Mark's POV
I laid in my bed angrily. Who killed my boyfriend?

Yes, Scott did have drunk sex with Mitch...and others...but I still loved him...I don't know, love is too complicated...

While I'm the middle of my thoughts, I heard a little tap on the window...

I looked towards it and saw Mason climbing through the window.

"Ohhh, Mas, you scared me!" I said relived.

When he fully entered my room, I attacked him into a big hug.

Weirdly, Mason letted go of me.

"Mas, what's wrong? You never turn down one of my hugs!" I said.

Tears rolled down from his face.

"Awww, I know you're upset about Scott b-but don't worry, he want us to be happy! Please don't cry!" I said wiping his tears.

Mason stared at me for a minute and then attacked my lips. It was sudden but I didn't stop it. We both needed comfort from each other.

When we pulled away, Mason rested his head on top of my hair. "I-I'm s-sorry..." He whispered.

"There's nothing for you to be sorry for!" I said.

Mason grabbed something from his pocket and sprayed it in my face.

"M-Mas, what is that-" I couldn't finish my sentence because I fell asleep.

Matt's POV
Red and Blue told me that Mark was gonna die next.

Mason handed me Mark's body.

I gave Mason a confused look. "Y-You know who the killers are??"

Mason nodded his head.

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