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Background- part 2 of the other one:)
Karl and Sapnap stood in front of the adoption center once again. "I'm so nervous!" Karl agreed walking in, "It's so nice to see you two again!" She smiled hugging them, "Noah and Bethany should be out any minute! Are you paying in check or cash?"

Sapnap and Karl paid waiting for there 2 new children. Karl was bouncing his legs waiting anxiously for the two. Neither of the kids knew that they were both getting adopted. "Oh I'm so nervous!"

"Noah!" Karl opened his arms as Noah gladly hugged back, "It's nice to see you again buddy!" He smiled nodding at Sapnap, "it's nice to see you guys again! Can we leave now?" Karl smiled chucking a little, "yea I'm a sec buddy we have to wait for something."

They all waited patiently for Bethany, Noah talking about his past and getting to know his new parents. "There they are! Karl Nick meet Bethany!" Noah's head snapped quickly looking at his older sister, "No way." He ran over to her quickly hugging her, Karl teared up at the sight of his new kids reunited.

"Omg Noah! Look at you you've gotten so big!" Sapnap looked at the 2, Bethany looked a lot like Noah. They both had black hair, very tall, Bethany had glasses and freckles. "You guys ready?" They both nodded, They all walked out to Karl's car getting in.

"Order whatever you guys want!" Karl smiled as they sat in a restaurant, "can I get a milkshake?" Sapnap laughed, "Of course! Whatever you want, if you want 5 milkshakes get it. You want the most expensive thing on the menu order it!" Noah smiled looking back at the menu as Bethany thanked them.

"Thank you for dinner, that was so good." Noah sighed in satisfaction. "I'm glad! It's about a 30 minute drive from here, so feel free to request some songs." Both kids nodded smiling at them.

"Oh wow." They stood in front of big house, "welcome home!" Sapnap unlocked the door stepping in, "Bethany your room is upstairs the 3rd door to the left! Noah yours is the 2nd door to the right!" They took in the house, it was huge, white walls and many pictures on the wall.

All 4 of them went to Noah's room, "oh wow this is huge." He laughed walking in seeing a desk, a bed some dressers, a tv and a walk in closet. "Through that door you have your own bathroom!" He opened the door seeing his bathroom. "On your bed you have a new phone and a laptop! Bethany how about we got to your room." She nodded grabbing her bags going to her room.

"Holy shit." Sapnap laughed, "your bathroom is right there! We were going to go out tomorrow for decorations for both of you! Then clothes and shoes shopping!"

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