The Past

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 Eleven Years Ago 

Where am I? Was that a howl? Where's Mum? That's all little (Y/N) could think about as a giant wolf came out of nowhere and bit her  under the moonlight of the full moon. ( I'm going off the book so don't even bother)

 Four Years Ago

 " Hi, I'm Lily and this is Serverus, we were wondering if we could join you?"

" Of course! On one condition, you become my friends. That is if you want......."


"............Snape, Serverus"

" Slytherin!"

" Evans, Lily"

" Gryffindor!"

" ( L/N), (Y/N)"

" Ravenclaw!"

Second year

" Lily! Have you seen my care of Magical creatures book? I need it!"

" Yeah you left it in my room last night, why do you need it again you know it cover to cover?"

Third year

" (Y/N), what's wrong?"

 " Yeah you've seemed off since we got on the train,"

" Lils, Sev, my da, he's dead, what do I do? He knew everything, I could always count on him no matter what. Now he's gone, he taught me everything from how to feed a Flobberworm to what to do when someone's being mean to you. What will I do without my best friend?"

One Year Ago

" Lily I need to tell you something, ImaWerwolfandiunderstandifyoudon'twanttobefriendsanymore."

" Hu?"

" Im a werewolf and I understand if you don't want to be friends anymore."

" I don't care if your a vampire or a werewolf! I could care less, I like you for you. Im not going to abandon you for something you can't control."

A few days before summer

"Why would I ever want to be friends with a mudblood like you?! I don't need your help so just go away." Snape yells for the world to hear.

"It's on now Snape! We were your friends! Your real ones, not the fake kids who just want you to become death eaters later in life."

" Your not my mother! Stop acting like it!"

"Yeah?! Well at least my mother would have excepted me for who I was!" I scream at him.

"O yeah! You want to go there? At least I actually have a father! Not one who's dead!"

"Leave my father out of this!"

"So you don't want to hear how he died?"

"I told you to stop!"


" He was a detective! That was his job!"

"What was the last words he said to you? He said, " This world can hurt you, it cuts you deep and leaves a scar. Things fall apart, but nothing breaks like a heart." How does it feal to have your heart broken?" 

" My heart has been broken for eleven years. It's not anything new to me."

......................................... " You like him don't you?"

" Maybe?"

" Then why do you keep pushing him away?" 

"I don't know."

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