Train Ride Run ins

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(Y/N)'s POV

"Mum! I have to go find Lily! I'll see you later, she wants to know how my last mess of a night went."

" Ok sweetheart, try not to get in any trouble, and do your best."

" Mum! I never get in trouble! I have a clean record."

" For now yes, but you will be caught eventually."

" Godric, Rowena, Helga, Salazar! Come on we're going to the train." I walk calmly onto the train with my four baby Nifflers trailing right behind me completely ignoring what my mum said. As I walked people gave me strange looks upon seeing my pets. If they only knew that I have a Hippogriff named Romulus, a Griffin named Soot, a Unicorn named Lucky, a Owl named Athena and a horse named Aquarius.  As I'm looking around a spot people of all ages catching up with old friends, talking about how their summer went, or in the first years case, trying to make friends. Around the middle of the train not far from where I got on I finally find Lils.

" There you are! I was just about to send out a search party for you!" That's not what I want this early in the morning, an angry Lily. 

" Yeah, Yeah Lily, lots of people were staring at me cause of who I found this summer."

" What happened? If I remember correctly these should be with their parents and there should be two to four more with them."

"Yeah, a muggle animal attacked and I was too late to save the mum, dad, and the remaining members of the litter." I tell them as I sit down next to Lily. 

" So how was your last M.O.A.N.?"

" It wasn't the worst, better than it could have been. Have you seen your P.I.T.A.'s yet?" Lils looked relieved. 

" No, not yet, thank the lord." Just as that sentence finished the train pulled out from the station. 

In case you were wondering Pitas stands for Pain In The Asses I.e. the Maurders. 

" Oo, are you talking about how I'm a bite to eat and can make you moan like nobody else?" Potter. Our peace is over! Kill me now.

" Actually," I say in a sweet voice, " it was M.O.A.N. and P.I.T.A's, they're acronyms."

" For what pretty?" says Sirius Black with a wink. 

" I'm gonna puke! They mean Mess of a Night  and Pain in the Asses, i.e you guys and something else that you do not need to know."

" I'm hurt! Who came up with these nicknames?"

" I did Potter with the help of the lovely Lily right next to me."

" Lily! I thought you loved me!" 

" News flash potter! Your just a bullie and a toe rag! I would rather go out with Lupa here," Lily was talking about me, I'm honestly honored,  back to the conversation, " and I'm strait! Now leave us alone!" 

" Come on prongs, you'll get her next time, Mooney's at the prefect compartment and peters looking for the trolley." They walked out thankfully, now we can breath again.

" Lily, if Re- Lupin is in the Prefects compartment then shouldn't we be heading over soon? I mean we are all prefects. And I don't think it would look good if we were late. Soooooo, RACE YOU!" I ran out of the compartment and towards the other end of the train, I almost made it when someone moved in front of me giving me no time to stop, which then lead to me running right into them.

" Sorry! Sorry, I was racing my friend and you stepped in front of me and I had no time to stop! Are you okay?" 

The boy that I still hadn't seen his face just chuckled, " Its fine really  but next time try not to run into me I'm a prefect I could give you detention."

" Sorry to ruin your threat but I'm a prefect to and one prefect can't give another one detention only a teacher can."  I start sarcastic and end in a know it all way. 

" Good to know, let me guess, Ravenclaw? I'm Remus Lupin by the way," The boy who had finally turned to face me also known as Lupin. Ow god I got to get out of here before Lily arrives. 

" Lupa? Why are you talking to him? He's one of them!"

" I know, I just ran into him and apologized before I realized who it was." I turned away from Remus and walked into the Prefects Place or as I will soon call it  my death bed.

" Hello new prefects! It's so good to finally meet you, now which one of you is ( Y/N)?"the male head asked. I meekly raised my hand to find out what they want.

" Hi, nice to meet you, please stay afterwards, we need to talk to you."


" Sooo, what do you need me for?" I ask while looking around.

"Well we aren't exactly sure, but Professor Mgonagall told us to tell you to come meet her in her office after the feast."

"Thanks. Will do. Can I go now?"

"Yeah your free."

"Thank you so much!" I yell while sprinting back to my compartment.

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⏰ Last updated: May 12, 2022 ⏰

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