Chapter Twenty-Eight

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"Rebekah, if you utter the words senior, and prom in a sentence along with my name I will go to your house, and chop up your mailbox with an axe." I threatened politely, a mirthless smile on my face.

The Original sister had unfortunately caught me where I rarely am, at the mall. I was feeling a double cheeseburger, ok? She had then practically backed me in a corner and started talking shop until my head spun.

"C'mon darling! It'll be fun!" Rebekah urged, "Dresses and dances, what isn't there to like?"

"One word, people." I deadpanned. "Besides, I'm in college so I'm technically not even allowed to go."

"I've already talked to the Prom Committee, they've allowed you to come because you were supposed to be a high senior like the rest of us!" Her voice is way too perky for my poor bored ears.

"You're a thousand years old, Rebekah. Exactly how many times have you been through high school?" I pointed out.

"Ah, well..."

"My point exactly."

"Ashley! Will you just come to the bloody prom?!" She seemed very frustrated at this point. "It's one night, one bloody night to at least pretend you're normal. Can you at least stay for a little bit? Or will it hurt you too much?" Her tone took a slight sarcastic turn at the end.

"Yes, it will. Besides, at every single one of these school dances, someone gets maimed or murdered, perhaps both. So I think it's a very good idea for me to keep my human self away from such things." I retorted, chuckling on the inside at the word 'human'.

"Please Ashley. . . just one hour, then you can leave." Rebekah practically begged, giving me puppy eyes.

"No. I refuse." I did not budge at the adorable blonde giving me sad eyes.


"Don't look! Matt Donovan is right behind you!" I announced, wildly pointing my finger behind her.

"Where-?" But when she turned back around, I was already gone.


Nestling in my pile of blankets and pillows that serves as a bed, I hit the play button on the spy movie. Ah, life is alright, I think to myself, munching on an oversized bag of popcorn. The theme song started and I settled in for a night of Jack Reacher and no Prom.

Then my phone started ringing. I hate everything. Sighing, I grabbed the device and hit Accept.

"Klaus. What do you need?" I asked impatiently, he's interrupting my binge session.

"I don't mean to disappoint, but it's Elijah actually." Came the slightly amused tone of the older brother.

"Uh-huh, if I was a nosy person, I'd ask why you have Klaus' phone. Seeing as I'm not, I'll settle for a repetition of earlier, what do you want?" I answered nonchalantly, still slightly irritated.

"Well, it's rather hard to explain. . ." He trailed off,

"Try. I'm usually good at listening."

"I suppose I could put it like this, I'm worried about Rebekah."

Who wouldn't be, the girl has insecurities by the dozen.

"So... why does that concern me?"

"I was wondering if you would perhaps, well, look after her tonight. I told her to get the cure, she had to act human for a day and I fear the influence of one Elena Gilbert might not be the best thing for her."

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