Thump, Thump

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Once Andy was finished pushing your arm stuffing back into place, him and Ann grabbed your arms and lifted you up to your feet. "(We ready to go?/Are we ready to go?)" You asked them. "I think so. Annie?" Andy replied. "I think so too," she said, walking up to the door with you by her side. Andy nodded, and pushed his back up against the door.

You used your arms and pushed the door open beside Raggedy Andy, who's face was scrunched up because of tike heaviness. Eventually making your way out of the pantry, you grabbed Raggedy Ann's hand to quickly follow Andy, who had started running out of the kitchen area.

He ran along the left side of the staircase, running past it for just a split second before immediately backtracking in a cartoonish manner, backing up so quickly that he stopped moving, then turning back towards you and his sister before falling square on his front. Annie giggled, putting her hand to her mouth for a moment, "Huhuhu. Oh, Andrew," she sighed, a smile still clear on her fabric features as she bent down to lift him up. You (giggled/chuckled/laughed quietly) as you assisted in helping him up. In response to Ann, Andy wailed, "My poor tush!" He dramatically looked over his shoulder, bringing his glove-like hands to his cheeks in an over-exaggerated expression of distraught. You (chuckled/giggled/laughed) at his tomfoolery, and listened to Cynthia and her father rush out of the door, too much in a hurry to notice you three.

The door slammed shut, and like a bullet train you were off, charging up the stairs as if your life depended on it. You didn't know why, but there was just this deep, powerful urge to immediately come to your new family's rescue. It was almost a bit maternal; you were just aching to make sure The Right Penny was alright. It took Raggedy Ann and Andy by surprise, his eyes going large and Ann doing the same, both showing obvious surprise to your sudden actions. Nonetheless, they both followed suit.

Climbing up each stair, a new feeling of ever-increasing fatigue slowly creeping into your cotton-filled limbs, though you were powered to continue by hearing your companions crawling closely behind you. But then there was something else. Thumping, like walking. Penny? No. No, no, couldn't be her. It was too heavy to be her. What was it?

"Shh! Stop!" You hissed, shoving your arm out in front of them. "What's wrong?" Andy whispered, confused. "..Do you hear that?"

The silence stretched out for a couple seconds. Then the thumping again. They weren't very heavy, but enough so to tell that it couldn't have been a doll. Even Babette or Topsy wouldn't have made such thumping, and they were the biggest toys in Marcella's playroom!

Deciding that you shouldn't stop moving but remain cautious, you all started back up the steps. You felt resistance coming from your (dress/skirt/pants/shorts/etc.), so you turned your head back to peer over your shoulder. Raggedy Andy had taken ahold of your (dress/skirt/pants/shorts/etc.) and gazed up at you. He climbed up the stairs next to you, still holding onto your clothing to keep you still, and took his place in front of you. He couldn't quite describe it, but in the short time you two had spent together, he had developed stronger feelings towards you and he now had the urge to protect you, keep you out of harms way; safe.

Meanwhile, Raggedy Ann was watching this from the side of the staircase, and smiled at the sweet scene. She knew her brother would come around sometime, and she was surprised at how fast he had warmed up to you, and she hoped you two would be happy together.

What you noticed was that as he ascended the stairs, he grabbed onto your hand. The quiet pats of your cloth bodies against the carpeted stairs could all but distract you from your thoughts: 'He's holding my hand- does he know what he's doing? Oh my- He'sholdingmyhandhe'sholdingmyhandHE'SHOLDINGMYHAND- does this mean he feels the same? What's going on right now?-'
Your thinking was abruptly cut off by another set of loud thumps, now on level with you three since you had successfully crawled up the long staircase.

Andy released your hand, much to your disappointment, and stood up, now on the second floor. He turned around and bent down, extending his right arm. You were able to get a clear view of his face now, cheeks dusted with a hot pink, an almost embarrassed expression; his eyes looking to his right. You took his hand and he lifted you up easily, walking over to Ann without letting you go. Ann climbed up the stairs, Andy standing nearby for any needed assistance.

Everyone now on the same level of house, the three of you continued and made quiet pace to the direction of the noises. Once you reached a door at the end of the hall, you could clearly hear that the source of said noises was inside of the room. The door was slightly ajar, so Raggedy Andy reached his arm out and lightly shoved it. You had a view inside now, and could see that there was a slick, inky-black Cane Corso trotting around the rug in the center of the- bedroom? Making small observation, there was a small twin-sized bed nearly identical to your dear Marcella's, and there was artwork hung up on various walls. This was Cynthia's room. And her dog.

You froze upon seeing the dog. Toys had to be cautious around such animals, especially since you looked extremely similar to a chew toy of sorts. Out of instinct due to his protective nature, you pressed against him and he wrapped an arm around you. Raggedy Ann hid behind the two of you, wrapping her arms around the both of you. The Corso turned his head at the movement in his peripheral vision, and practically foamed at the mouth. He charged, opening his mouth to expose his many teeth. Raggedy Ann shoved you and Raggedy Andy out of the way, leaving herself in the dog's path. The fear in her eyes was diminished as the Cane Corso lifted her with his jaws and proceeded to tear her apart. You gazed over at the trembling boy next to you- terror in his eyes as his mouth lay agape. A pathetic little, "No," was released as wetness began pouring out from behind his button eyes.

{Tear ducts in dolls were made from the love given to said doll by the owner- the love of a human is able to give the doll full emotions, including (but not limited to) crying.}

He crumbled in your arms as the tattered remains of his sister was spat out of the dog's jaws, said dog walking downstairs out of sight. Andy wailed as his hot tears absorbed into your arms. He suddenly fell to the ground, then crawled over to his sister whose torso was completely mangled. She had the classic smile used when around other people, otherwise wearing a blank expression. Tears began building up behind her eyes, as the "pain" sunk in.

{Depending on the owner of the doll or toy, the toy can either feel pain or a strong sensation in it's place. If the child so desires, the toy can even feel nothing. Marcella didn't put much mind into no pain, since she never believed that any of her toys would be in a painful situation, so her toys instead feel an extremely powerful tingling sensation (like if you've ever been in a situation in a dream where you should feel pain but instead it tingles).}

The tingle was overwhelming for Ann, and she writhed her head and arms. The terrifying part was that her legs still maintained minimal movement; they tensed and squirmed. Andy made his way to her right side, putting his right hand slightly below where her top half and legs separated. He carefully dragged her top into his lap with shaking hands, stroking her forehead as his tears dropped onto her clothing. "Annie.." She wrapped her arm around him as best as she could, and they cried in their embrace. By this point, you held your mouth closed with your hands and witnessed the pitiful scenery unfold in front of your innocent optics, water streaming down your cloth cheeks. You slowly approached the distraught pair, joining in their melancholia.

Ello everyone! This chapter is obviously in a different direction than usual, (IT'LL GET BETTER, DON'T LOSE FAITHHHHH!) and I'm sorry it's been so long. I wouldn't be surprised if most of you viewers are already out of the fandom, ahaha. Either way, I'll try to keep up with the posting a little bit more, so have this for now! I'll see you all in the next chapter, bye bye! c:

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