One More Try?

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You were pulled in the gathering of toys, and immediately was hugged, squeezed, hand-held, and sweetly told how you are appreciated. It made you feel (welcome/joyful/uncomfortable/loved), but you still had a lingering thought about Andy in the back of your (yarn-covered *hair*/soft head *no hair*).

Whilst hugging and talking to the toys, you decided that you should probably give Andy some company.

After giving at least one hug per person, you slipped out of the circle. Everyone's energy was diminishing, and the energy that they had all spent on worrying and celebrating was making them quite tired. Content in the end result, but tired.

Taking this opportunity to go find Raggedy Andy, you went ahead and began walking to the other side of the room's corner. "Ow.." you sucked in through your teeth, walking slower. Your legs ached after how much you had depended on them, and you immediately felt a bit weaker than before. Though, your mind was temporarily taken off of the legs as you thought of Andy. You began feeling the same swirling, fuzziness in your stomach as he had earlier. It made your face heat up as you became a tad bit nervous, and excited to talk with him.

You reached him, the sunlight shining down upon his form. His hands were carelessly laced behind his head, leaning back against a building-block wall. His feet were crossed at the ankles, and he looked at ease. Little did you know, he just really wished that tear ducts ceased to exist.

You lightly lifted his hat up, immediately met with slightly dark tear stains running down his cheeks. "(Oh-/...*silence*/Ah- I'm sorry-)" you uttered out/silently backtracked, still holding his hat in your right hand absentmindedly, making a few steps in the opposite direction. It was an automatic reaction, only powered by the want to give your dear friend space.

He grabbed your wrist, lightly but firm enough to prevent you from moving away from him any further, and pulled you to him. You landed with a short 'thud' on his lap, legs spread around his.

"(Wait-/Ah-/*surprised inhale*)" He made no reply, only gazing into your eyes, wearing a determined expression. His eyebrows were slightly creased, mouth straight in an almost-frown, but one of deep concentration rather than sadness or agony (which still would have been somewhat expected due to the previous events).

His look was unexpected to you, and especially because of how direct he was being. He then pulled his legs out from under you softly, and fixed into a position of sitting on his knees. You were left in the same position, still occupied with watching his movements which made you go with the flow inattentively. He wrapped his left arm around the back of your waist, and intertwined his right hand with your left. He slowly dipped you down, down, down, towards the ground. He let your back hover just slightly above the wooden floor, your (hair lightly gazing the floor/hair lolling nearly at the floor) (no hair option: your head dropping down, almost at the floor). It was a very (romantic/attractive/comforting) feeling to have him hold you up and support you in such a manner.

He bent his head down and smiled bashfully, then jumping up and lifting you upwards with him. You dropped his hat forgetfully. He left you feeling (flustered/surprised) and you didn't expect him to move away so quickly, as you had been high in a certain anticipation, but took his lead nonetheless. He stood in front of you, facing you completely to indicate that he wanted you to take him seriously for what he was about to request.

A circle of glee rolled around in your stomach, sending blanketed waves of electric butterflies throughout your system as you made eye-contact with Raggedy Andy. He bent down and retrieved his baby blue hat and gave you a smile, standing up straight to walk slightly closer to you. "You uh.. Wanna go dance again with your tough boy?" He held out a hand, waiting with desperation hidden behind his eyes and a composed demeanor, watching your movements for any signal of acceptance or rejection, especially cautious of how he called himself 'yours.' "(I'd love to./ Sure, Andy./ I'd like that a lot.)" You returned the gesture, and took his hand in yours. He pulled you away to a more private area of the wall, lifting up building blocks as a makeshift divider between the two of you and the other playroom toys.

Raggedy Andy x Female Ragdoll ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now