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"Papa, look!" Cori called out while Steve zipped Bitsy's pastel pink floral satin dress

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"Papa, look!" Cori called out while Steve zipped Bitsy's pastel pink floral satin dress. When Steve didn't immediately look over at the – now – four year old, she repeated louder, "PAPA!"

"What, baby?" Steve finally looked over at her. With a large toothy grin stretching her lips, she twirled around. Amused with how the skirt of her mint green floral satin dress puffed up. Steve couldn't help but smile and humor her, "Oh my goodness, you're so silly!"

Giggling, Cori plopped down on the floor to play with Princess Butterfly while Steve moved onto help Nevie put on her lilac purple dress shoes that matched her floral satin dress. Buckling them for her even though she whined and complained that she was a big girl and could do it herself. However, Steve was in no mood to deal with attitude and one quirk of his eyebrow had her quieting.

From the living room, Bucky called out, "Are we ready to go?"

Since Bucky was in charge of the boys, Steve looked over the girls. They had gotten their hair cut and styled, so with Steve finishing with putting Bitsy's shoes on the correct feet, he confirmed, "We're ready!"

"Alright!" Bucky clapped once to gain attention, and instructed, "Let's go!"

"Be good, PB," Nevie instructed the orange kitten who was trying to get the shoelace the girls enjoyed holding above the kittens as they tried to get it.

Standing, Steve's heart raced, and his stomach twisted into knots. The girls were on their way out of the room, but Steve paused. Needing a minute as he tried to keep it together. Of course, not that his body cooperated considering the tears started building in the rim of his eyes. Always forgetting just how quickly time flew. One moment it was February, the next it was July.

"Papa?" Bitsy paused in the hallway and glanced back at him with those steel-blue eyes.

Sniffling, Steve waved her on and said, "I just need to use the potty real quick." Then, remembering that he had three four year olds, he asked, "Do you have to go potty?"

Bitsy shook her head, and Steve nodded, assuring her, "I'll be there in just a minute."

"Okay," Bitsy accepted and raced through the house for the garage with the ever-playful PB chasing after them.

Meanwhile, Steve's breath hitched, and his chest clenched, and the tears escaped the corners of his eyes. He had been holding them in for the better part of the morning. But he couldn't help it. His baby was about to be celebrated and considered a man. And that made Steve more than just a little emotional.

Sure, Oliver was only thirteen and he had plenty of time to still be a kid. But those years were going to fly by just like the first thirteen had. And Steve was woefully unprepared for that.

Taking a tissue from his pocket, Steve wiped his face and blew his nose. As he turned to throw it away, Bucky called out, "Stevie?"

"In here," Steve croaked and mentally face-palmed because not even his voice was cooperating today.

Leaning against the doorway, Bucky shared a small, knowing smile. Extending his arm towards Steve, Bucky held his hand out invitingly. It didn't take a lot of convincing as Steve laced his fingers with his mate's and walked hand-in-hand with him as they left for the garage.

Of course, when they entered the garage, Steve snapped out of his emotional state and went into his papa mode. Especially since at least one kid was crying, three were arguing, and Kit all the while was singing the wrong lyrics to a song that wasn't even playing on the radio.

"Well," Bucky wrapped his arm around Steve's shoulders. Teasing, "You were the one who wanted kids."

Playfully, Steve rolled his eyes and elbowed his ribs. While Bucky feigned pain, Steve mocked, "Didn't hear you complainin'."

"Hey," Bucky chuckled, "Anyone who did would be a stupid, stupid man."

Shaking his head, Steve walked around to the passenger side and climbed into the van. Bucky followed suit as he climbed in behind the steering wheel. Steve turned back to look at the kids and gained their attention by clapping his hands.

"This is what we're not going to do," Steve started. Nevie sniffled and wiped her eyes while Kit handed her lovey back to her. Nodding, Steve continued, "We're going to be on our best behavior. We're not going to poke each other, or argue, or be loud. We're going to sit and listen because today is Oliver's big day, and we want to respect him."

When none of the kids argued with him, Steve nodded to himself and said, "good," then turned around to face the front. Giving Bucky the go-ahead so the brunet could pull out of the garage.

Once on the street, Bucky held his hand palm-up for Steve. Predictably, Steve laced his fingers with Bucky's. Giving his alpha's hand a comforting squeeze, knowing that Bucky needed the comforter just as much as he did. And in return, Bucky squeezed Steve's hand right back.

Sooner than Steve wanted, they were pulling into Temple B'nai Jacob. Their older family members were there already, and Steve plastered a smile on his face as he waved at some of the extended family members who waved at him.

Glancing over his shoulder, he told Oliver, "I don't want to see you give any attitude, understood?"

"Understood," Oliver sighed.

As Bucky put the van in park, Steve informed, "That includes sighing and rolling your eyes."

Smiling back at the kids, Bucky added, "And you should probably be extra nice to the older relatives since they definitely gave you some real expensive gifts."

"Really?" Oliver perked, "How do you know?"

"Call it a hunch," Bucky smirked. When he caught Steve's eyes, he winked, causing Steve to playfully roll his eyes.

"Now," Steve unbuckled and reminded, "I want everyone on their best behavior."

"Yup, the absolute best," Oliver mocked, sounding way too similar to Bucky in the moment as he climbed out of the van.

Yup, I'm gonna cry, Steve internally mused, again.

As Steve pulled a tissue from his pocket, the rest of his family climbed out of the van. The older relatives of the extended family fawned over Oliver and Steve could see that he was trying his best to be the polite boy that he – mostly – was.

Sniffling, Steve climbed out of the passenger seat and accepted the hugs from the older women. Getting compliments for having such good looking and well-behaved children. Steve just thanked them, but Bucky preened while letting the girls hold onto his fingers and twirl.

Losing track of time as more extended family members congratulated Oliver and Steve and Bucky. Only once more people arrived and most of the parking lot started filling up did they decide to head inside of the synagogue. Being cautious of the cars and their guests as Steve and Bucky held their children's hands as they headed for the entrance.

Growing Together: Green Series 8 (Pre-Serum Omega!Steve and Alpha!Bucky AU)Where stories live. Discover now