"come on, just need a few tests on you, you can keep drawing." Doc assures. Monty doesn't even let Doc see his drawing, but seems to have no problems with the man carrying him. "wanna tell me what you're drawing?" Doc asks, setting the boy down gently in his clinic. Monty ignores him and goes back to his drawing. he doesn't let Doc see anything of it, always flipping it over the moment he starts walking closer. he runs all kinds of tests on the younger, after discovering a very large shoe print bruise on the boys back, and ends up with a rather large folder of healed and still healing injuries. he's seen these injuries before and knows what they mean, his previous abuse is probably why he's so quiet and jumping. why he gets nervous when Mack gets too close. he wonders how the kid will react if he asks a few questions, so he needs to be careful about this. "so Monty, I see you get hurt a lot." Doc says. Monty freezes a little, flipping his drawing over to the blank side of the paper. he looks at Doc suspiciously, fearfully. he's tense and nervous. "wanna tell me how it happened?" Doc ask. Monty swallows and stares at him, his eyes flickering over to the door, then back to Doc. the poor boy is looking for a chance to escape. Doc frowns walking a little closer. immediately Monty gets to his feet and presses his back to the wall. "woah, easy. it's alright kid." Doc soothes gently. Monty swallows hard. "okay. okay. thats fine. we can discuss it later." Doc assures.
"hey you done?" Mack ask, walking in.
"yeah, make sure you take him over to Sheriff for his little finger prints. I got a feeling this kids going to be in the system, make sure Sheriff checks the foster system and for missing children." Doc says. Mack nods, still watching Doc nervously.
"hey ready to go?" Mack ask. Monty inches over to him, holding Tommy tightly. Mack scoops him up. "one more thing to do then I'll take you to my semi, okay?" Mack ask. Monty nods, watching Doc as Mack carries him out. Doc cleans up, but pauses coming across Montys drawing. he grabs it and flips it over before pausing.
"what the hell..." Doc mutters. it was a picture of his Hornet, pretty well drawn for a four year old. it doesn't have any words on it, probably because the kid can't really spell, but it's obviously his Hornet, it even has a large 51 on it. that would explain why the kid wasn't nervous until Doc had started asking questions, he some how recognized him. he watches Mack go and meets the boys eye. he's watching Doc over Macks shoulder. he gives Doc a small wave and turns himself back around.
"alright Monty. I'm going to take you to Sheriff alright?" Mack ask. Monty pulls at Macks shirt. "what?" Mack ask. Monty pulls again on his shirt, Mack realizes it's a red patch. "Red? are you looking for Red?" Mack ask. Monty watches him. "he's putting a fire out. he'll be back." Mack assures. Monty nods once and lets Mack take him into the Sheriffs station. "hey Sheriff." Mack calls.
"hey Mack, you bring the kid?" Sheriff ask, walking out from a back room.
"yeah. Monty, you remember Sheriff?" Mack ask.
"you got a name from him?" Sheriff ask.
"he wrote his name on a picture he drew." Mack says. Sheriff nods a little.
"alright kid, you ever finger paint?" Sheriff ask. Monty nods a little. "alright so this is going to be a little like that. you're going to take you finger, dip it in the ink and put it on a paper, okay?" Sheriff ask, laying the items out. he touches the ink pad and shows the boy, then puts it on a blank paper. "only you're going to put it on this paper." Sheriff says, pushing one towards him. Mack sets him in the chair and Monty reaches out to poke the ink pad. immediately he pulls his hand back quickly, wiping it off on his clothes with a whine. he shakes his head pulling away.
"its just some ink." Mack assures. "like what you use in a pen." Mack adds. Monty turns his head with a whine. Sheriff reaches for his hand and Monty jerks back screaming, watching Sheriff fearfully.