Young Monty bonus - Smokey

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Doc has no doubt in his mind when there's a knock on his door, that is either Red or Mack, here to collect their boy.

"I bet thats daddy kid." Doc says, getting up from his chair in the kitchen. Monty squeals excitedly, running over to the door and pulling it open. he immediately freezes and screams at the top of his lungs. Doc walks over quickly. "kid, whats wrong- Smokey?" Doc asks shocked.

"is that yours?" Smokey asks. River, Junior, and Louise are standing behind him. Doc scoffs.

"you know he's not. c'mere Monty." Doc says, scooping the boy up. Monty cries and squirms until Doc lets him climb up onto his shoulders. he sits quietly and hugs Docs head, clutching Tommy tightly to his chest. "he's the boy Red and Mack adopted, the one I told you guys about." Doc says. Monty whines.

"and we're not who he was expecting I guess." Junior chuckles as Doc lets them in.

"nope." Doc snorts, shutting the front door. they're surprized to find Docs living room a mess. littered with snacks, toys, crayons, pencils, markers, drawings, and a sippy cup.

"damn old man. take baby sitting real serious, hmm?" Louise chuckles.

"he'd rather be here than with anyone else." Doc says.

"yeah I can guess why Hud. you just let him run around and do whatever he wants?" River ask.

"he stays in the living room and he's getting to be a kid for the first time in his entire life." Doc says, taking the boy off his shoulders. he tosses Monty onto his bed, listening to the little boy squeal happily. "and if it makes him happy, I'm willing to let him do as he pleases. his parents abused the boy, we're working on getting him to understand the difference between abuse and punishment." Doc assures gently.

"its nice to se you Hud." Smokey says.. Doc smiles at them a little.

"so if you've got him, guess that means no racing hmm?" River ask.

"are you kidding? if I even look at that old Hornet without him, he loses his mind." Doc laughs.

"holy shit did the kid draw this?" Louise asks, picking up one of the drawings. its a picture of Red and Mack curled up together and sleeping on the couch. he probably saw them cuddled up together several times.

"yeah. he's pretty good. don't wrinkle that." Doc warns heading into the kitchen. "you guys want a drink or something?" Doc ask.

"not unless its a beer." Smokey says. Doc snorts and brings back four beers, handing one to each of his friends. Monty comes running out of Docs room giggling.

"he still unable to talk?" River ask. Doc had told them about the boy several times, but they'd never actually seen or met him.

"he tries. still mostly selectively mute." Doc says. Monty hugs his leg tightly and Doc reaches down prying the boy off. "whats gotten into you kid?" Doc ask. Monty squeals as Doc holds him upside down by his leg. he drops the boy into his empty chair, sending him into a bigger fit of giggles. "alright, scram or I'm going to sit on you." Doc warns. Monty scrambles out of the seat, laughing, as fast as he can, immediately climbing up into Docs lap to cuddle him.

"he always this full of energy?" Smokey asks.

"the better he gets, the more energetic he gets." Doc snorts as the boy, jumps on his lap. "hey, stop it." Doc frowns. Monty blows a raspberry at him and jumps off Docs lap running off back to his bedroom to get Tommy. he runs back and all five adults look at him. "you guys want to see something?" Doc ask.

"sure." Smokey chuckles.

"hey kiddo." Doc says. Monty looks over at him. "whats your favorite thing in the whole world to watch with me?" Doc ask. Monty perks up, letting out an excited squeal of gibberish. he runs over to Doc, hands him Tommy and runs back over to the tv.

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