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s y n o p s i s

All Perrie wanted was to have peace in her newly-bought flat in London, and to celebrate her new modelling contract. The model did not expect to be forced to have a housemate, nor to have to explain why she looked awfully familiar to him.

Dave, an office secretary, was an unnecessary addition to her anxiety list, yet the man did not plan to leave the flat any time soon. He paid as much as she did and wanted to claim his rights, whether their dual contracts were legal or not.

They were left with one choice: sharing the place until they found a solution for the mess. One bedroom and toilet each, and no messing up the shared kitchen.

What happens when Dave finally figures why she looks familiar?

d i s c l a i m e r

In no way am I shaming certain job occupations. I'm merely expressing how my characters think. My opinions remain personal and not presented.

The characters in this story are heavily flawed and could make wrong decisions, but in no way do their choices represent me as a writer or person.

This book is a work of fiction. The characters, places, names... etc. are the mere production of the writer's imagination. Any similarities to real-life or other books are purely coincidental.

d e d i c a t i o n

Dedicated to women from a woman.

Any reader who continues till the end will get a chapter dedication! Until all the chapters are taken, of course.

c o p y r i g h t s

All rights are reserved ©️ 2021 annabellacx

Using any portion of this book without my written permission will submit you to legal procedures.

The pictures at the beginning are not mine. I fished them out of tumblr. Credits go to their rightful owners.

m u s i c

Some chapters will have attached media.

a u t h o r ' s n o t e

Enjoy reading! Vote, comment, and share! You don't know how much votes help the story get suggested more ❤ Feel free to drop a review in my inbox or comment where you see obvious mistakes as well :)

If you see readers point out mistakes in the comments, please don't attack them! I ask reviewers to nitpick :)

While this story is set in Britain, I'm not British myself. I apologise in advance for any misconceptions that could be found in the story. Will be highly appreciated if you can correct me.

a b o u t m e

My name is Annabella. I'm in my twenties and passionate about writing and helping writers, although my major is far from literary.

You could've first met me in one of my projects which are my detailed review book, my book club and promotions, my tips corner, or my awards account WritersHelpProd.

If you've been a supporter and need help of any sort regarding writing, hit my message board!

Instagram: annabellacxwp

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