Can i take home school too

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Name-Wang Y/N
Sibling-Jieun(Twin sister)
Kind for people close to her)
Information-Mom is No.1 model in Asia,Dad is No.1 Business men and mafia king of Asia and Y/N hates playboy's


Morning 6:30 am~~~
Yn's Pov~~

??-Yn get up
Yn-Mom let me sleep(sleepy)
Mom-Aish get up you have home school (annoyed)
Yn-I am up (still sleepy)
Mom-Get up before I kick you're ass (more annoyed)
Yn-Ok(stretching hands)
Mom-Hmm,Now get ready fast and come for breakfast

Time skip after shower

Yn-What should I wear this is ok

Yn's outfit~

Yn-Now i should go down

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Yn-Now i should go down

??-Oh Goodmorning princess
Yn-Goodmorning dad
Mom-Come eat breakfast
Yn-Ok mom, btw where is jieun unnie
Dad-She went to her university why don't you go to university with jieun
Yn-Dad you know I hate Playboy's and their in that f**king university Playboy's will be there and specially
Mom-Atleast once
Yn-No mean's no (annoyed)
Dad-Ok now eat breakfast you're teacher has came
Yn-Ok i am full

Meanwhile at school
Jieun's Pov

Jimin-Hey nerd where is our homework
Jieun-Um sorry I forgot to do it
Taehyng-How dare you forgot to do that(angry)
Jieun-I am really sorry
Jk-Now get ready for punishment
Jieun-I am sorry please let me go (crying)

Bell ring's

Jimin-Your lucky now but remember you will get punishment

She runs to 1st class
In classroom

As I enter Lisa called me

Lisa-Hey Jieun hear (waving her hand)
Jieun-Goodmorning unnies
Bp-Goodmorning Jieun
Jisso-What happened Jieun did anybody bully you (worried)
Jieun-No (looking down)
Jennie-Then why are you crying huh?
Jieun-No it just something went in my eyes(still looking down)
Rosé-Are you telling truth (worried)
Jieun-Yes unnie(wiping her tears)
Lisa-Ok but if someone bullied you should tell us understood
Jieun-Yes unnie(smile)

Teacher enter's and all of seat on our benches

Teacher-Goodmorning students
Students-Goodmorning sir

And class started

Time skip at lunch break~~~

Lisa-Jieun over hear(waves har hand)
Jennie-So how is Yn doing these days
Jieun-As always better than me
Jisso-Why don't Yn come to university
Jieun-Because she hates Playboy's and sl*ts
Rose-Ok so that's why our bad girl take home school
Jieun-Yes that's the reason

While we were talking i felt something wet on my head so I looked up and it was Jimin

Lisa-Why did you did that(angry)
Jk-Oh so nerd's friends are angry(teasing tone)

(Jennie Slap's Junkook and Lisa punch taehyung)

Jisso-Jieun are you ok (worried)
Jieun-Yes unnie (tearing up)
Rose-Let's go and change your clothes
Jieun-Ok unnie

Then all of us left from there

~~Time skip after school~~
~~At home~~

Yn's Pov

Jieun-I am home (smile)
Yn-Hey unnie(smile)
Dad-How was your day honey
Jieun-It was good
Mom-Did anybody bullied you
Jieun-I want to tell you something
Mom-But first get fresh

Time skip at dinner

Dad-So what do you want to tell us honey (curious)
Jieun-So can I take home school with Yn
Mom-But why so sudden honey (worried)
Jieun-Because i get bullied everyday (tearing up)
Yn-Why didn't you tell us first and tell me who bullied you(angry but trying to stay clam)
Jieun-They are Park Jimin and his friends (looking down)
Dad-Ok honey you can take home school (clam)
Yn-Dad can i go to that university (angry)
Mom-But princess what if they bullied you also (worried)
Dad-No one can bully her you can go to university (smile)
Yn-Yes dad thanks i will take care of everyone their (smirk to her dad)
Dad-Yes princess take good care of them(smirk back)

After dinner i went to shower before sleeping

Yn's night wear~~

Yn's night wear~~

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Yn-Get ready Mr.Park Jimin (smirk)

Then she slept

Author Pov~~ Morning 6:00

Mom-Yn get you have to go university
Yn-Let me sleep please (sleepy tone)
Mom-GET UP (shouts)
Yn-Yah I am up (sits on bed immediately)
Mom-Good now get ready for university (smile)
Yn-Yes mom i will get ready (smirk)

Time skip after shower~~

Yn-What should I wear

After 20 min

Yn-Ok this is perfect

Yn's outfit~~

Yn was getting ready when she got call from Lisa

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Yn was getting ready when she got call from Lisa


Yn-Hello what's up unnie
Lisa-Why didn't Jieun came to university till now
Yn-Unnie she will come in few minutes their is a surprise
Lisa-Ok but tell her to come fast we are waiting at gate

To be continued

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