Chapter 2

15 6 1

No hate comments

After call finished

Yn-Which shoes should I wear

After 5 minutes

Yn-This are perfect

Yn's shoes~~

Yn-Now earringsYn-Perfect

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Yn-Now earrings

Yn's earrings~~

After I was done i went down to eat breakfast

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After I was done i went down to eat breakfast

Dad-Goodmorning princess
Yn-Goodmorning dad
Jieun-Goodmorning Yn (smile)
Yn-Goodmorning unnie (smile)
Jieun-Are you sure you will go to
university (worried)
Yn-Yes unnie
Mom-Ok now eat fast or you will be
late Yn and Jieun you too your
teacher is waiting
Yn-Bye (smile)
Jieun-Bye take care (smile)

At garage

Yn-Which car should I take oh that
good for today

Yn's car~~

Yn-Lets go

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Yn-Lets go

Time skip at school~~

Yn's Pov

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