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Ree pov

wakeup go to school, come home, do homework, go asleep, and repeat the same thing over and over noting new just the same old boring shit

"REE come eat before you have to go to school" mom yell from downstairs after I spray on ck1 perfume on I head downstairs

"hey mom" I kiss her before grabbing the plate she made me, after a little later she starts talking again

"sooo I'm going to go to dads grave later if you want to come I can wait until your out of school" mom grabs the pan off the stove and start washing it

my dad got in a really bad car accident two years ago but anyways me and my dad wasn't exactly besties I wonder why....but that was on him! because I will breathe and he's on my head and every time I tried to have some son and father quality time he will make up some excuses, like I love him and I will always love him even tho he didn't accept me how I was, I wasn't going to hide how I was to satisfy his images of a "perfect" son

Even tho I got good grades didn't sneak out I was just,,, gay

"I'm ok mom but thank you anyway I'm going to head out I love you have a good day at work" I give her my plate, I grab my bag and car keys and head outside I jump into my car driving to hell that people call school


well I pull into the parking lot I see a crowd in one spot mostly girls and some boys but that's none of my business WAIT I see parking haha I park my car before anybody takes it

I start walking to the school doors than all of a sudden my bestie Imani jump in front of me "bitch you see the new student ugh that nigga fine as hell" she pretty much moans the last part

"oh so that's what the crowd is for but no and I don't really care"

"you finna care when yu see how fine he is" before we can pass the doors she turns me around "look look the crowd let the poor man alone" I watch as the girls and guys clear out and go inside then my eyes set on the guy Imani was talking about

damn Imani you didn't say he was THAT fine

"I literally did and you said I dONt CARe" of course I said that out loud "ok let get inside it's cold as hell" it's not even that cold but I turn and start walking to our lockers

Imani refuses to bring her school books so she was just leaning on her locker talking a storm well I was still putting mines in I take one extra class because got nothing better to do with life so that's why I have so many books it's only like five but anyways when Imani stop talking I turned to her to see why she stopped she looks at me and nod her head behind me I put my last book in my locker and turned around

"hey I was wondering if you can show me the office" oh it's the new kid

I look around looking at everybody around me "you couldn't ask someone else" I ask in confusion

he smiles looking down at me 'why the fuck are you so tall for' I think to myself

"I'm not tall your just short"

"I need to stop saying my thought out loud I swear"

"bestie I've been telling you that" she says before looking at her phone clock "also I know you got free period right now so if you don't take that man to the office but I need to go bye luv" she kiss my cheek before leaving, I look back to new person and he's still smiling

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