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(If y'all want to know what they wearing it's up there <33)

today is the party, do I want to go? no, but that doesn't mean I ain't going to go and not have fun. it's about five I'm almost ready I just have to put on my shoes slash heels I mean the heels ain't that big but I do get A LITTLE taller, anyway when I'm done putting them on I grab my phone off its charger and head downstairs

"mom I'm about to leave" I walk into the living room seeing her on the couch

"ok baby, have fun you and Imani be careful please also if you're going to drink stay at Imani house or have a friend take you home" I shake my head because what teen is not going to drink

(A/N Me bish)

"ok, mom I love you" I kiss her on the cheek before heading to my car driving to Imani's house. when I get there I hop out of my car and walk into her house

"hey MA" I say to Mrs walker when I see her in the kitchen she turns around and gives me a smile she walks to me giving me a hug

"hey reeree you here to pick up Imani?" she asks letting go of the hug, Mrs walker is the only one who I allow call me reeree she's like my second mom when my father pass she was there for me and my mom I will always appreciate her. me and Imani were friends since preschool then in middle school we had a petty fight stop talking but we got our shit together before high school talking about the demon I hear her coming downstairs I turn around to see if she ready to go

"ok I'm ready and stop trying to steal my mom" she goes over to her mom kissing her on the cheek saying I love you

"I love you two, yall both stay safe and if anything happens call me" she says pointing her finger at us telling us that she ain't playing

we said ok and head outside walking to my car when we got in Imani asked "is sean meeting us there or what?"

"yeah me and him was texting all night so-" I WAS saying but Imani interrupt me

"yall was what again?" she asked confused but also having a smile on her face, I shake my head driving out the driveway and thinking about last night


I just got out of the shower when I got a text from someone, I turn my music off the threw my phone on my bed I will see when I'm down getting dressed. when I'm done putting on some briefs and an oversize hoodie, I sit on my bed grabbing my phone



Nothing just got out the shower

u got in the shower without me

I will make sure
I will invite you next time daddy

don't forget baby boy

I close my phone blushing he got me all messed up

don't leave me on seen bby
my first heartbreak😔

anyways🙄 so you meeting
us at the party or what?

I roll my eyes as if he can see me

yeah don't dress too nice tho I don't want niggas looking at what is mines

boi I ain't yours and I will
make sir I look extra nice

don't play we finna get
married and shitt just watch

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 28, 2021 ⏰

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