Snow Gives Way pt.10

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Quick A/N sorry I haven't been updating in a while I've been very busy with school, and I'm sick so that's fun. It's not covid, but It's very annoying. Anyway, let's continue with the story, I'm going to be doing longer chapters from now on, like last chapter.

(Future Author here. Wow it has been a while and I have almost forgotten about my oldest fic but I have just recently finished The Defenders and that gave me motivation to continue this fic, this might also give me the motivation to update some more of my stories as well. :) 

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Also do you like the new cover or should I change it back to the old one, I'm getting better at editing and I prefer the new cover. I'm re-doing a lot of my old covers and I really prefer the new ones, so just let me know if you like it.

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 A door placed on the side of a building opened and out walked Danny and Evelyn Rand, into the darkness of the night. They sit upon the pavement and pull out the training shoes from Colleen, they place the shoes on their feet and stand. While the twins are standing up again a man dressed in all black walks past them, but quickly turns back and starts to attack the closest twin. Danny. He pulls out a baton, and tries to hit Danny over the head, but he ducks out of the way, as the man falls slightly to the side. He regains his balance, and moves back to hit Danny again but he flips his body and knocks the baton away from him and Evelyn. Evelyn stands up and joins the fight, and she grabs the man's wrist as he was about to hit Danny. The man looks over to Evelyn in shock, but she just smirks, and twists his wrist until she heard a satisfying crack. 

From above, Colleen opens her window and looks down onto the street to see Danny and Evelyn fighting the man. Evelyn turns and round-house kicks the man and he lands on the pavement. "You're the security guard from Rand." Danny says in recognition, as Evelyn moves next to him. "Why are you..." Evelyn starts but cuts herself off as the guard pulls out a gun, and points it at her. Danny grabs his hand and pulls the gun from it. He throws the gun, and it clatters to the ground, as the guard groans in pain. Evelyn looks up to the other side of the road, she recognises another guard and he pulls out a gun and cocks it. Evelyn grabs Danny's arm and runs down the road. A guard shoots after them, but they don't look back. 

They run down the pavement and Danny turns them down an allyway. At the end a large metal wall waits, but the twins don't take a second look and run straight towards it. Danny uses his foot to propell himself up and grabs the edge of the wall, whereas Evelyn summons two balls of red energy into her hands and uses her arms to thrust herself into the air, and over the wall.

 Danny uses his foot to propell himself up and grabs the edge of the wall, whereas Evelyn summons two balls of red energy into her hands and uses her arms to thrust herself into the air, and over the wall

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The guards follow them into the allyway, and try to shoot at Danny as he climbs over and jumps down to where Evelyn stood out of sight. The guards split up to catch them. "Didn't know you could fly." Danny praised her as they run down the end of the allyway. "Never told you, didn't think it was a big thing." She responded, teasingly. One of the guards made it over the wall where Danny was waiting at the bottom for him, and kicks the man into the rubbish. Evelyn runs over and takes the gun that fell out of his hand and brings it back to Danny. She takes out the magazine and throws it away, and the gun in the opposite direction into a puddle, and take off down the allyway. 

They end up in a town square in the chinese district, as people danced around holding sparklers and wearing masks. The twins looks around to see if the guards followed them, then made their way through the crowds of people. They look behind them and notice one of the guards was following them, but had lost sight of them in the crowd. They walk a bit faster and Evelyn notices a mask stand and drags Danny over. She digs around in her pocket and pulls out the crumpled dollars that Colleen gave them, and hands them over to the man at the stand. She grabs two masks in exchange and pulls one over Danny's head and one over hers. Once the masks were secure, they continue on into the crowd. Danny quickly notices the other guard and stops abruptly, making Evelyn stop too. The original guard walks past them, yet doesn't notice them thanks to the masks, they turn around and walk back into the crowd the way they came.

The twins are waiting on a balcony they climbed onto to stay out of sight. Danny jumps down behind the guard following them, as he stands below them. This gets the guards attention, and he turns around to see Danny with the mask on, staring intently at him. The guard goes to hit him, but Danny ducks out of the way and pushes him back. He punches the man and he stumbles back. The man stands back up but Danny hits him again, he falls back into some stairs and Danny flips to ontop of him, and repeatedly hit him. He grabbed the gun from the man and knocked him out with it. He uncocks the gun and Evelyn jumps down, they continue on into the crowd together. 

Danny and Evelyn are walking at a fast pace through the crowds, when Evelyn stops suddenly, feeling a gun jammed into her back. She turned around and threw her fist at the man. Danny then turned around, as he noticed his sister wasn't following him. He saw her beating a guard and stood, impressed. She jumps onto his shoulders and manouvers her legs to knock him down a stairwell nearby. Danny runs down the steps and garbs the man's arm, he twists it behind his back and pushes him against a sheet of metal attatched to the wall beside them. "Who sent you?" Evelyn questioned as she stood beside the man writhing in pain, as Danny pulled his arm further behind his back. "Who sent you?!" She asks again this time harsher. He doesn't answer so Danny pulls even harder until he heard a crack. He man groaned at the feeling and breathed out a name they knew all too well. 

"Ward Meachum!"

Danny turns the man round to face him, and stares at him in shock and anger, he lifts his fist up and pulls it hard down onto the man's face, knocking him unconcious. 

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 26, 2022 ⏰

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