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"Damn, that's hurt" say the black haired boy as he pet a cat that come to his way while he was sitting at the counter. (Y/n) nod her head as she sway a fluffy stick back and forth and a certain cat try to touch it. She smiled upon seeing it finally caught the stick

A black haired boy with blonde streak is watching a hamster running on their wheel. He chuckles when the hamster flew away because of the wheel's fastness that they can't catch up with and they hit the wall, really hard. The boy on the counter noticed about the hamster, stand up abruptly and shout at the other boy. "Kazutora-! Why did you let it flew away-?!"

The boy named kazutora just shrugged his shoulder as he treat the poor hamster. (Y/n) just chuckles upon seeing they bickered with each other.

(Y/n) decided to let hanma go by leaving him all alone at that house at night. She used to live alone and run away when she was a cat, and to her fortunate, hanma didn't realize that she's running away during that rainy night.

What a coincidence, he met her during a rainy day and she left him during a rainy night

When she ran away, she accidentally bump into a male that she met when she was hungry and one of her leg was broken long time ago, the one who gave her the meat, matsuno chifuyu. Lucky for her, he know who she is but decided to keep it quiet when his gaze met hers

"Kazutora-! Go fetch some cat's food, right now" kazutora glances at chifuyu and went outside as he take his purse from the shelf. (Y/n) had been sepearated from hanma for almost 6 months but somewhere deep inside her heart, she felt relief.

And she know she's lying if she say that she didn't miss him at all

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