Something New

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No one's POV

Nerris woke up in the middle of the night because she felt something "off" going on. Even though she felt horrible; body aching, eyes hardly open, tired as fuck, she was determined to find out what woke her and why.

So, after putting on her elf ears and round glasses, Nerris ventured out of her tent very quietly since her tent-mate, Harrison, was a light sleeper. She surely didn't want to wake him and have him annoy her during her journey. Once that boy wakes up, there's no way he could go back to sleep again.

Soon enough, Nerris was walking around on the cold and slightly wet grass, in a fighting stance just in case a dark force decides to jump the lone elf-kin.

After minutes, or what she thought was minutes, of walking, she heard a sound. Not just your normal bush rustling, the wind making the trees sway, stray twigs on the ground, animal noise, no, it was...melodious. It was calming. So calming, in fact, that Nerris dropped her posture and looked around for the cause of the beautiful melody.

She HAD to know. She wanted to hear it louder, and more clearer.

Nerris thought the best way to figure out where it was coming from was to go towards the tune. So, with her newfound energy, she ran in a certain direction where the music was loudest, hoping to find its source.

She ran for minutes, stopping to listen again and going back to running when she found where it was most coherent.

Quickly, Nerris made it to the dock and saw a dark figure on the edge of the dock, holding something to their neck. It was coming from them; the beautiful tune she was so eagerly chasing after.

She walked closer. She was tired, sweaty, out of breath, but she wanted to hear more. Unfortunately, once she stepped on the dock, the music stopped. They turned around in an instant, both their eyes widened at who they were looking at.

"Nerris?! What the fuck are you doing here?!" By now, she finally found out what instrument they were playing, the one that released a soft but loud melody into her fake elf ears; a violin.

"I- uh- Max! I didn't mean to intrude on your private session! Sorry!" She bowed, still in shock at her findings.

'Max? Here? At night? Playing a violin? That's so out-of-character!!'

If his eyes could go wider, they just did. Max quickly 'hid' his violin behind his yellow shirt. "Pri- Private SESSION..? What do you mean?! I was just-...looking! A- At the lake!.. Because-" He stammered. Stammering turned into muffling incoherent words.

"Hey..." Nerris started, with the intention to get his attention. A pout rested on her lips when he ignored her. "Max." Nothing. "Maaax." Again, nothing.

She inhales deeply, "Max!"

Now she has his eye.

"It's okay. It doesn't matter if what you were doing was out of character, or something no one would've thought you'd do, but it's okay. You're just doing what you want to do! That's fine! It's like how I love LARPing and doing quests! We can do what we LIKE or WANT to do! Even if you don't want anyone to know about it, because you're afraid they'll judge you, or make fun of you, that's okay."

"But I'm HERE. Right now. I won't judge you. I won't tell, I won't make fun of you. I'm just here because I heard it, and wanted to hear more."

Nerris took a step closer,

"Will you let me hear it one more time?"


Max brought the instrument back to his neck, the violin bow in his other hand. The elf-kin happily sat down on the wooden dock.

Before he started strumming again, he opened one eye and glared at her, "This doesn't MEAN anything! I still hate you. I will still stay far away from you. You... didn't 'help' nor 'cheer' me up! This is just a one-time thing... got it?!"

Nerris backed up a little, "Right, right! Got it!" Fear trickled up her spine. "I swear if this gets back to ANYONE, I will KILL YOU!!" Max pointed the violin bow at her.

"Elf's honour! I will tell no soul!"

He sighs, placing the bow back on top of the violin and closing his eyes once again. Nerris got back into position, knees tucked up to her chest with eager eyes.


"Jesus Christ Nerris! You look like a zombie!" Harrison stated from the small circle currently surrounding Nerris.

She scoffs, "Shut up Harrison, I just got a small amount of slumber. The dark forces of the forest wouldn't stop cursing my dreams!" That earned multiple eye rolls.

"No, but like, seriously, what happened?" Ered crossed her arms, "You look very ill!" Dolph added. "It's true Nerris, maybe you'll have to skip the camp activities for today! You look in need of some desperate sleep!" David leaned over and got a closer look at the smaller's very tired face. Nerris kept on arguing.

She was never gonna tell them the real reason why. Although she hated lying, this was a lie she was gonna have to keep up no matter what, until Max decides to tell EVERYONE about his passion for playing the violin, which was more unlikely than a blue moon.

Elf's honour.

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