Chapter 9

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"Naru. I don't feel so good." I gasped. It was the understatement of the century but also the only thing I could say without barfing. I felt cold, but sweat poured down my face. My heart hammered in my rib cage, and I shook all over.

"It was the PK." He breathed, his face gradually growing paler and paler. "Mistake. Too much. Gene..."

His eyes rolled up in his head, and he flopped forward. I stared at him, my addled brain unable to comprehend what was going on.

"NARU!?" Someone cried out.

Lin was with us in a flash, turning Naru onto his back and listening to his heartbeat. I felt strong hands grab me by the shoulders. "Gerroff." I wheezed, then gagged and spat out a mouthful of bile. "Hands off."

"Shut it. You look like death." Bou-san snapped, his pale face swimming in and out of my vision. "Here. Take a seat."


"Lin's with him. It's okay."

No. Naru's heart had stopped. He wasn't...

A sharp smack rang out. "Naru! Come on, breathe!" Lin growled.

A blur of black sped past us. "I'll call an ambulance!" John's voice came from a distance.

I almost toppled over as Bou-san's hands vanished, only to be caught immediately. "We're getting help. Keep your eyes open, Nira." Lin said, his voice terse.

"He won't die." I whispered.

"I know."

Everything began to blur in spite of Lin's concerned encouragement and the looming threat that he might just end up slapping me as well if I didn't pull it together. The hands supporting me switched several times before the babble of voices around me grew louder. New hands helped me onto a stretcher, which was precisely when I passed out.

"Your blood pressure dropped drastically." Lin said as we strode down the sterile corridor after I'd been released. "You should still take it easy."

"I feel great." I assured him. "I'll feel even better once I harass Naru."

Lin pursed his lips, knowing well that there was nothing he could do to persuade me otherwise.

I burst into Naru's room. "Hey!" I sang out and plopped down in the chair. "Had a nice nap, sleepyhead?"

He didn't look up from his book.

"I'm glad you're feeling better. Those ghosts aren't gonna hunt themselves!"

"Exactly why I should be released as soon as possible." He stated.

I knew the mention of work would catch his attention. "Listen to the doctors and you'll be fine, okay? They know what they're doing."

Naru snorted.

"Okay, most of them do. If you don't listen to them, you'll have to deal with me as your doctor." I paused. "Unless you want clove and cinnamon tea. Then that's a completely different story. Shall I make you some?"

He gave a cold stare, and I had the feeling that if I made him a cuppa, he'd toss it in my face.

It was nice to have him back.

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