Chapter 2

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The scene that greeted us in the small sitting room was a stark contrast from the pristine meal we'd had earlier. Taizou and Kazuyasu struggled to restrain an almost rabid Eijirou, who was waving a butcher knife viciously. Slashes and spilled tea covered the table, and the TV in the corner was cracked. Teruka and Hiroe cowered in a corner and Akifumi sat between them and the men, watching his brother-in-law with disbelief.

Blood poured down Eijirou's face as he roared, his eyes wild. Naru took in the scene with a perfunctory glance and said, "Lin."

Lin was already ducking beneath the doorway to stride towards the thrashing, bloodstained man. Immediately Eijirou broke free to charge at him, light gleaming on the razor edge of the knife. Mai cried out, and even though I was aware of Lin's capabilities, panic squeezed my lungs. Lin, on the other hand, swayed to the side to let him bull past before wrapping an arm around his neck and pressing. Eijirou stiffened, his roar morphing into a gurgle as he sank to the ground, unconscious.

Naru took control of the situation, calling for a first aid kit—both the men and the women had been hurt—and ropes to bind Eijirou. Lin sat near him, ready. "Can you tell me what happened?" Naru asked once the Yoshimis had calmed down sufficiently.

Teruka shook her head, still pale. "That's what I'd like to know. All I can say is it was all so sudden..." She managed.

Naru took a seat across from her. "You mean he just suddenly started acting violent?"

"Yes. There was a little argument..." Teruka caught herself, clearly reluctant to say more when Naru pressed her for more information.

"May I ask what the argument was about?"

"He was so moody during dinner today, so I asked him why. And then...when he returned, he was holding a kitchen knife. What was he thinking!?" Her voice broke, and her mother reached out to put a comforting hand on her shoulder.

Naru gave her a moment to collect herself. "Do you have any idea why he was in such a bad mood?"

Teruka shrugged. "Well...he was fine until just before dinner. After preparing his usual meal, he went out to get some fresh air—then it happened when he returned."

"I bet it's spiritual possession." Bou-san muttered, silently daring me to say something. I smiled innocently.

Naru nodded slowly. "I agree. Maybe we should call John. Or else...Matsuzaki-san, can you expel a spirit?"

She flinched like he'd snapped at her. "Me? I'm not incapable,'s hardly my expertise."

Judging from the look on his face, Naru had been expecting a reply along those lines. "Then how about you, Monk-san?"

Bou-san winced. "I can give it a shot. But it'll be my first time doing it on a human."

Ayako seized that and chortled, brimming with malicious glee. "WHAT!? You haven't expelled a possessing spirit before? Some medium you are!"

She really didn't have a right to say that, and clearly Bou-san agreed because he shot back with "What do you mean by that!?" He grinned demonically. "What have you done lately besides spout Nine Character spells? That's all you're capable of."

I glanced at Naru. "Seriously, though. Are you sure it's okay to let her do it?" I whispered. "Why not wait for John?"

"It's better that we get expel the spirit before it can gain a stronger hold of Eijirou-san. Right now, Matsuzaki-san is our best shot...unless you'd like to try your hand?"

"You're really funny, you know that?"

He turned back to Ayako. "For now, will you try to do it? If not, it's okay, but..."

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