33- telling

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the final day of our honeymoon was perfect, but we were home now and happy back in our house.

scorpius was back with us but we hadn't told him yet.

we hadn't told anyone yet, but we were planning too really soon, i was going for my first ultrasound today, and we're going to hear their heartbeat.

i was showing slightly. it was only obvious to us because we knew.

our excuse to give scorp to narcissa for a few hours was that i hurt my ankle and we had to go get it checked out.

it worked, they didn't question anything, "are you ready?" he asks me, "i don't know, what if somethings happened, i've heard in the first trimester things can go badly so easily" i say.

"my love, you've not had any signs of anything bad, i'm sure it'll be okay" he reassures, rubbing my hand with his thumb.

i nod and sigh, the hospital wasn't too far away thankfully.


once arrived, we got out of the car and entered the maternity ward, "hi i have an appointment for an ultrasound, the names y/n malfoy" i say, handing the receptionist my letter.

she smiles, "first pregnancy?" she asks, "for me yes, draco has a son already but i look at him like my son too" i say, "that's lovely, come follow me and i'll take you to the room" she said.

we follow her into the appointment room and i was instructed to lay down on the bed, draco sat in the seat beside my bed, constantly kissing my hand and holding it.

his leg was bouncing up and down, "hello!" the midwife said happily, "i'll be doing your ultrasound today, are you looking to get the photos back today?" she asks.

i look at draco, he nods, "yes please" i reply, "okay that's fine" she said, coming and sitting next to the equipment.

i turn to face draco, he leaned forward and kissed my forehead.

the midwife, who's name was laura, applied the gel to my stomach and picks up the probe.

"you might not hear a heartbeat straight away, it could take a minute to pick up because you're so early on" she said.

the probe and gel were cold on my stomach, i look at the screen that was displaying what was being screened.

"oh! there we go!" she exclaims, i furrow my eyebrows, "it looks like you're going to be having twins!" she exclaimed, i turn to face draco and he was crying with a massive smile on his face.

he cups my face and kisses me, "oh my god baby" he sobbed, i kicked off as soon as the sound of two tiny heartbeats entered my ears.

i slap a hand over my mouth and start crying fully.

"it's so amazing" i cry, laura smiled at us, "we can't find out today obviously, but when we can, would you like to know the genders?" she asked.

"we'd rather not know until the birth" draco said, we had collectively agreed before we came in.

she left the room to print out the images from the ultrasound.

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