For Old Times Sake...

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"Magical Paris is so much better than muggle Paris, don't you think?" Astoria commented as she swirled red wine around in a crystal glass. "The food is so much more delectable here."

The blonde date across from the table bobbed his head as he drank slowly from the short whiskey glass. He raised it in a polite cheer. "Here, here. The perfect establishment to end an engagement in."

"To the fabulous end of our phony engagement." Their glasses clinked together. "You were the best fiancé I've ever had to end it with."

"Likewise, Tori. Likewise."

Draco Malfoy enjoyed the spiced whiskey as it spilled across his tongue. It was not like the firewhiskey he was accustomed to having in celebration, but Paris offered a delectable alternative. He sipped silently. Astoria Greengrass, too, sipped her wine in delighted silence. The termination of their engagement was a delighted way to spend their last night together before the pair parted in their own lives. It was difficult to say whether they'd remain friends. Neither were opposed to the idea. Only, they were different people with paths that diverged from one another.

He wished her all the best in the world. He wished for her happiness. Astoria deserved it. She was a kind, lively witch with a heart of gold, two sizes too big. A wizard to spoil her with all the riches in the world was an end he'd be content with.

Astoria's lips stained from the deep crimson red of the wine. She pattered her lips against the black cloth napkin. Her hazel eyes scanned around, lazily appraising the restaurant and those around them, until they noticeably stuck on something behind Draco's back.

He kept a close eye on her reaction. It was most curious. She looked away but was drawn back to the same sight. Again and again.

Finally, her eyes narrowed and then widened. "Draco."

"Don't tell me it is the press." He groaned. "I'd rather not have a drink splashed in my face tonight."

She chuckled at the thought. They both knew she would not just toss water at him.

"No. Not that." She shook her head. "I'm not sure, but I think that's Hermione Granger in that booth over there."

"What?" He gasped. His neck twisted around quickly.

"Look there. Isn't that Viktor Krum across from her?"

Viktor Krum. A name he despised throughout his childhood.

Now, as he scanned the wizards in booths, he found the oaf known as Viktor Krum. Across from him glistening like early morning dew on a brilliant flower, was Hermione Granger.

He fell back to his chair, shocked. His hands gripped the arm rests to stop the trembling.

"How long has it been?" Astoria asked. "Since you saw her last."

"One year," he confirmed. "It was a year on the 15th of last month."

Astoria swallowed her mouthful of wine. Her silence was noted.

Draco grasped his glass and started to swallow the contents with vigor. Only at the end of the blessed alcohol was he able to release his held breath.

His date frowned. Her head shook in disapproval. He ignored the attention and ordered another.

"I've got to go to the loo."

He raised his glass. "I'll be right here."

"Try to slow down," Tori pleaded softly. She knew it fell to deaf ears. He'd ordered them neat. Nothing, not even an ice cube, was wanted to slow his progress as becoming completely pissed. Her feet moved fast through the restaurant.

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