𝔸 𝕕𝕒𝕪 𝕨𝕚𝕥𝕙 𝕥𝕙𝕖 𝕔𝕝𝕦𝕓 (Chapter 2)

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"Zander please, let Milly do a song and then you can choose one" Luke said trying to calm down Zander from arguing with Milly

"Yeah Zander let ME choose a song!" Milly said in a pushy tone

"ARG FINE only because I don't want you go get mad and start a fight" Zander said finally letting out an answer

"Hehe" Milly said happily

"See Zander you at least need to let people have turns, and don't act like this like back in elementary, you're in high school"

"F-fine Luke" Zander stammered

"So can we rehearse now?" Jake said as he was doing math homework on a table with Hailey

"Sure of course since your now starting to be impatient" Hailey said in an exhaustive tone

"YAYYY!!-" Milly stopped screaming as someone was walking into the club

"Hey M-milly are you s-starting rehearsals now because I want to watch you" Elliot said as he was walking in

"Oh hey Elliot!" Jake greeted as he walked in

"Okay now that I think about it, I should've let Zander pick a song because I totally forgot that I told Elliot that we would be rehearsing today and since I picked the song, I'm going to be singing" Milly said disappointedly in her mind but her heart also pounding from Elliot's cuteness

"Hey milly, h-how are you" he said as he pulled Milly in for a hug

"I-I'm doing g-great hehe" Milly blushed to the point were she blushed to the color of her hair

"Haha I can tell y-your nervous on performing, d-don't worry it's completely normal Milly!" Elliot said as he let go of Milly and giving advice at the same time

"Y-yeah I know" she said as Zander made a smirk across his face

"Z-ZANDER DON'T!!" Milly shouted in embarrassment

"Hehe Milly is really cute and she doesn't realize it herself" Elliot said in his mind

"Okay! Uh- let's rehearse now I guess" Milly said as she stammered a bit

"Y-yay!" Elliot said happily

Milly began to set up her guitar and the speakers for the song (Elliot helped as well 😌) Sean adjusted the volume, tune, and instrumental, Milly's confidence just drained away when Elliot came to see her rehearse but she tried her best not to stutter on any of the lyrics

"You can do this Milly!" Hailey said giving her the courage to sing

"Y-yeah Milly you'll do amazing! Plus your voice is going to sound beautiful!" The coral haired boy said while making Milly blush

"*sigh* I can do this"

                ~After the song~

"Milly! You did GREAT!" Sean said impressed

"Oh my god, your voice is more than great Milly you did fantastic!" Elliot said smiling

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"Oh my god, your voice is more than great Milly you did fantastic!" Elliot said smiling

"Uh- Th-thank you E-Elliot I really appreciate the compliments hehe I'm so glad you came to watch me rehearse I MEAN- I'm happy haha"
Milly giggled a bit while blushing

"Hehe you're so funny, uhm Milly?" Elliot responded

"Y-yeah Elliot?"

"C-can you come t-to the garden with me again a-after school, w-well it's okay if you don't want to-"

"N-no I'll be there!" Milly replied while putting back the microphone

"Great!" Elliot responded

After talking to Milly, he then left the club room then afterwards, everyone gave Milly a smirk face

"G-GUYS STOP!" Milly shouted in embarrassment

"When will you ask Elliot out? Like, you too would be cute together!" Luke said desperately

"L-look, I just feel like he doesn't like me back, even though he kissed me-" Milly responded but Jake cut her off

"W-WAIT!? SO YOU'RE TELLING US HE KISSED YOU!?" Jake shouted not thinking the people near the club room could hear

"J-JAKE SHUT UP!!" Milly shouted

"Hahahaha" Jake laughed

"He kissed me on the cheek, not on the lips idiot" Milly replied

"Oh" Jake said

"Jeez Jake why are you like this?" Hailey said in annoyance

"What you secretly like me being annoying because-" Jake said but hailey cutting him off so that Zander doesn't get mad

"Uhm okay...?" Zander said in confusion

"But still Milly, you could at least give it a chance or sometime if you're not ready" Sean said

"Yeah, I guess I'll ask him out sometime then" Milly responded rubbing her arm softly

"Remember, we're here for you in case things go bad! You're not alone!" Sean said happily

"Heh, thanks Sean"

"That's what friends are for!" Luke added


Hey reader! :D

And before you say "how in the heck did you finish chapter 2 so quick simply?"

First of all, at night i sometimes have a boost of motivation even after school as well, but this time, i had a lot of motivation so the more motivation i have, the more faster i get to finish this fanfic probably?

Meh I still hope you enjoyed this chapter ^^

⋆。˚ ☁︎ ˚。⋆。 Follow me for more TMF ship fanfics in the future :D ⋆。˚ ☁︎ ˚。⋆。

ℒᵒᵛᵉ ᵧₒᵤ .•ᰔᩚ bai ^^

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