Chapter 14

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After practicing for a significant part of the day, the band switched to strategizing. "We need to go beyond the Battle of the Bands," RM says. "How are we going to take down Taylor?" he asks.

"I understand that he is not a good guy, but who is Taylor?" Edward asks.

"Taylor Lautner, a.k.a. God. The power went to his head," Suga clarified quickly.

"So what do we do about it?" Edward asks.

"He is virtually untouchable. We have to get to him though," Suga adds.

"Was he vulnerable anytime last year during the battle?" Edward inquires.

"The battle was in Forks, and on earth, he can just escape back to his realm at any time. I haven't seen him in his realm, but hopefully we can do something about him while he is here," Jin says.

"No," Edward rebukes softly. "We have to lose," he states softly.

"Why would we do that? I will not risk another loss. Especially on purpose," Jimin adds, looking shaken by Edward's idea. J-Hope also seems a bit off. He visibly grows paler and runs his hands through his hair nervously. After thinking for a bit, however, V nods in agreement."The closest any of us got was Jungkook. If we prepare ourselves, we can end this. Winning is a temporary solution. This goes beyond us. We can prevent him from hurting anyone else," V explains.

"How would we even prepare for that? We don't know what else is up there?" Jimin adds nervously.

"I think we might just have to improvise," V says seriously. "We have to prepare ourselves the best we can, but there is no way to know what we may encounter".

"Should we talk to the competition?" Didn't they want Taylor to be dealt with too?" RM suggests.

"We probably should," Jin agrees. With that, they all drive to the clearing the opposing band. When they pulled up, Johnny, Skye, Dani, and Robin all appeared nervous and near-hostile. When Jin got out of the car, he was slowly cornered by Skye and Johnny.

"What are you doing here?" Skye asks cautiously. Jin raises his hands in surrender.

"We want to take Taylor down. We don't care about the battle. This needs to end," he says. Skye and Johnny slowly back down.

"What's your plan?" Johnny asks skeptically.

"We don't have one," Jin responds as the rest of the band exits the bus. Dani bursts out laughing as she watches the ordeal.

"You want to take down God, but you don't have a plan? Good luck with that," She says sarcastically with an eye roll. Robin laughs in agreement.

"He's not infallible, you know," RM says. "And we have a little bit of a plan..." .

"Our plan is to lose," Edward cuts in. "and whichever one of us who gets taken Up There will take him down from the inside," he states seriously.

"I guess that could work, but whoever is Up There will have to seek out his weakness, and it won't be easy," Robin points out.

"Are you just going to throw the competition?" Johnny asks.

"I guess tha-" Suga starts but he is cut off by Edward.

"We can't. That would look suspicious after your experience last year. But I could freak on stage and it would be blamed on my newborn status," Edward says quietly. Jimin looks nervous about the option but the others seem to consider it.

"That is probably our best chance at this,"V agrees.

"So it is settled then?" Edward says, and is met by unanimous nods.

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