Chapter 1

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A/N Hey guys!!! I'm so excited to share this with you! I would like to thank my beta reader, Skye Chevrolet! I purple you!

The tour bus jostles the six boys every time it hits a bump on the gravel road. The overcast sky of Forks, Washington is juxtaposed against the energy bursting from the band members. Well... everyone except Jimin. While the rest of the boys barely contain their excitement, Jimin glances down and bites his lip as he ponders their situation. The whole situation didn't sit well with him. Of course he wanted to defend his friends and they desperately needed another member, but he couldn't help the sense of guilt creeping into his subconscious.

"What's on your mind, Jimin?" J-Hope whispers, noticing that something was wrong.

"I know this is necessary, but I don't want to put someone else through it. The change... I wouldn't wish it on anyone".

"Same here, but there is no other option". As J-Hope replies, the bus comes to a stop at the local high school. The parking lot is full of cars and on the front doors, a 'Welcome BTS!' banner rustles in the wind.

"Let's go, I guess," Says J-Hope as they make their way to the entrance which feeds straight into the gymnasium. The bleachers are full of proud parents with signs cheering on their kids and the room erupts into applause as they enter. In the gym, lines of high schoolers are stretching and preparing for what is about to come. Jin walks up to the microphone and the room stills.

"We are so excited to be here in Forks, Washington! I'm Jin, and my fellow bandmates and I are looking for the seventh member! Let's see who has what it takes!" The applause and shouts are louder than before and the students get into formation. "How about we start with the dance audition?" Jin says as the gym fills with the sound of Fake Love. The rows of students start dancing and the band members watch critically. One of the kids steps left when he should have gone right. Suga gently taps his shoulder.

"Thank you for your time," He says as the boy is ushered back to his family while close to tears. Jimin looks over feeling grateful. He doesn't know what he just avoided, he thinks. Another kid fell, and RM did the same procedure. Soon, the music stops, and the breathless kids wait for the next round of cuts.

"Thank you all, you are all wonderful, but you may sit down if your name isn't called. In the next round, we would like to see two, eight, thirteen, twenty-three, and twenty-nine," says Jimin. The five selected waited as the rest of the students returned to their seats. "This round is singing. After this, we will have our newest member!". The five boys looked quite nervous and the first walked up to the microphone. The backtrack to fake love started to play, but when his verse was supposed to start, he passed out. V assisted him and helped him get to his family. The second child's audition is wonderful until the last phrase and his voiced cracks. The poor boy begins to cry and J-Hope gets him to his seat. The third kid comes up to the microphone. His hands shake and his face goes pale, but as soon as his verse starts, his voice soars. The audience falls silent and all members of BTS glance at each other. He ends the solo beautifully and there is a pure silence before the room breaks into applause. The last two auditions were not bad, but number thirteen stole the show. Jin gets the microphone again and the audience goes silent.

"Again, thank you all for your time. It was truly wonderful to see you all today. And now, for the moment you have all been anticipating, We would like to announce our newest member. Please welcome number thirteen as our newest member!". Thunderous applause fills the gym as number thirteen walks up to Jin. "What's your name?", he asks the newest band member.

"Edward. My name is Edward Cullen".

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