Chapter 4

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You can listen to the audio when it says "—————-", because it will be better :)

Frisk shakes their head calmly at Ashley knowing what's gonna happen. Their heart are beating faster
than ever, this can be the end off their life.

"I don't care" Ashley says and pushes Frisk into the big hole, exactly when they fall into the whole they scream by the feeling off being pushed down in a big hole in the underground.

Frisk screams and screams while falling down, they see the hole they were pushed down, it's getting smaller and smaller every second.

They move their body around and scream by scariness. "What if this is the end off my life?!?! I can't just die in a random iceberg alone?!" Frisk thoughts themselves.

They look behind them over their shoulder. They see yellow flowers under them and a stone floor.

While they scream they change position so they can land on the front instead off hitting the head.

"NO NO NOOOO!!!!!!!" Frisk screams and lands right on the face, everything went black...

A little while later, they hear birds singing around them, they slowly take their head up from the ground, they landed on yellow flowers. They sit up and looks at their hands to see they're okay.

They slowly look around, they see grey walls and a little hallway right in front of them. They stand up and starts to walk through the hallway.

They come to a long grey door with a weird sign on it, it almost looks like a bird but easily drawn, like it's just stretch if you know what I mean.

"Howdy! I'm Flowey, Flowey the flower!" A little voice says happily.

Frisk flinch and  looks right in front of them, it's a little yellow flower with a face, Frisk looks at it so confused and scared.

How can flowers talk? It doesn't work. It's impossible.

"Hmmm... you're new to the UNDERGROUND, aren't ya?" The flower asks them, they look at it with a confused look and just stands there like they're a statue.

"Golly, you must be so confused."

"Someone ought to teach you how things work around here!" Flowey says, they look at it so confused and shocked.

"H-h-how can flowers t-t-talk?" Frisk stutters

"Well, in here, everything can talk! Even walls!" It says happily, Frisk gives it a scared face.

"I guess little old me will have to do."

"Ready? Here we go!"

Flowey says and everything in the background turns black, but they can only see each other.

"When you fight, your soul will become stronger and stronger every time you gain a lot of LV."

"What does LV stand for? Love of course!" It says, Frisk stands there freeze and don't know what's going on. They look down on the ground anxious

"You want some LOVE, don't you? Don't worry! I'll share some with you!" It says and gives them a wink.

"Down here, LOVE is shared through... little white..."friendliness pallets" " Flowey says peacefully and shows up some white pallets

Frisk looks up at it again and smiles, they want to be happy again.

"Can I trust you?" They ask.

"Of course!" It replies.

"Are you ready? Move around! Get as many as you can!" It says and sends the pallets towards, Frisk moves around to catch them, the pallets touched them, they got hurt. Very hurt.

They got down to the ground hurt and looks up at Flowey.

"You idiot. In this world. It's k i l l or b e k i l l e d" it says with an evil voice and an evil face.

"W h y w o u l d a n y o n e p a s s u p o p p o r t u n i ty l I k e t h i s?!"

Many pallets gets around Frisk like a circle, they look at at them and gets scared.

"D I E." It says and laughs with an evil voice, they pallets are going towards them. They got hit by them, they got... normal again?!

Flowey looks at them confused, suddenly a random fire ball is being thrown at Flowey. It makes a sound by the catch.

Frisk looks confused and stands up, then a white 184 cm long goat with a purple dress with the same sign as the door.


"What a terrible creature, torturing such a poor, innocent youth..." the goat says, Frisk looks at the goat confused and scared.

"Ah, do not be afraid, my child. I'm Toriel, the caretaker of the ruins." The goat says, Frisk smiles at her and sighs

"I pass through this place every day to see if anyone has fallen down. And you are the first human to come here in a long time."

"Come! I will guide you through this catacombs." she says and starts to walk to the next door back.

"This way!" She says and walks to the purple door with a weird sign on

"Should I trust her? She seems so nice, yeah I should." Frisk thinks in their head. They sigh and starts walking to the next door.

In the next door, they come to a purple room with with stairs on the right and left, in the middle of the stairs it's a yellow star there that is in the air.

Frisk goes to the star and looks at if confused

"Oh that's a checkpoint, my child. If you die in here you can just save." Toriel says to them and walks to the next room.

"Oh?" Frisk thoughts themselves, they pressed on it and it came a little sound like it was saved. They flinch by the sound and runs up to the stairs.

They come to the next room, it's a purple hallway with little frogs?...

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