questions without answers

125 4 7

Time seems to slip away, everyday seems to go by quicker.

Rosie sat in the floor, drawing, today was her 10th birthday....she's gotten so big.
Simon was sitting next to her carefully watching her hands move to draw, expertly she drew, almost as if it was second nature, the picture being a meadow.

"That's good Rose, you're getting better everyday" Simon ruffled the culds hair, causing her to playfully slap at him.

Watching them play fight brought a smile to my face.

"Alright brake it up you two, its time to eat".

I watched as Simon raced Rosie to the diner table, me following close behind.

Rosie had invited people over, yes, but they seemed to have misplaced their invitation....Rosie had been complaining about the kids at school picking on her.

She was different yes, but not that different. I mean the child talked to ghost, so what?

"Are you having fun Rosie" My mother walked in with her cake.

Rosie smiled and nodded fast as she laid her eyes on the round pink and black birthday cake.

"Its just like the one I asked for!" She yelled as she hugged my Mother.

Me and Simon shared a proud look as Rosie sat down and patiently waited for dinner to be over so she could devour the cake.

I watched as Rosie laughed and played, paying not attention to me or Simon in my Mother's presence.

I grabbed Simons hand under the table and squeezed it, when Suddenly I felt faint.

It was odd, but wasn't usual.
Every since my accident I had had faint spells, I assumed it was just from hitting my head or something in the crash.

Rosie looked over at me, scared.

"Mom are you okay?" She rushed over to me, and placed her hands on my head.

"You don't look to good (Y/n) you better go lay down" my Mother spoke.

I groggly got up and walked with Simon to my room, where I layed down on the bed.

When I looked over at Simon, he too looked worried.

His face was pale and he looked drained of energy, like something had sucked the essence out of him.

I reached my hand out to him as I fell limp.

I felt warm, fuzzy even.

Like I was floating, I saw the meadow..
The one I had dreamed of before.

Simon was there, smiling and holding his hands out to me.

As I took them and felt his embrace, I heard crying, I turned around to see Rosie on the edge of the abyss.

The void almost capturing her in uts darkness.

I went to scream at her to tell her to move away from the edge but Simon covered my mouth and pulled me along to walk with him towards to light end of the medow.

The further we got from the darkness, the more unreal I felt.

My hands started to fade, and when I looked at Simon he was almost transparent.

He kissed me and when I opened my eyes I was in my bed.

Yet, I still felt strange.

I got up and went to look in the mirror, at which point I saw Simon behind me standing next to the bed and me.

I layed in my bed cold, and lifeless.

My body drained of color and meaning, as I gazed at the husk of what once was me I felt sick.

I collapsed onto the floor and started crying, the tears were white and opaque.

Simon comforted me, as I watched my Mother walk in the room to find me laying dead on my bed.

Rosie walked in the room behind her holding a picture she had drew for me.

Rosie could see me, standing in the corner, she knew I wasn't completely gone.

Yet the tears still ran down her face and the paper was dropped on the floor, I walked over and stood next to her placing my hand on her back as she cried.

"It'll be okay Rosie, i'll stay with you".

So I did, watching your child grow and become such a beautiful woman from the corner is hard to do.

Simon stood with me watching over her, protecting her from harm.

Her first heart break i sat on her bed with her, comforting her the same as I would have done if I was alive.

Her first period i walked her through how to apply a pad, and calmed her down, assured her she wasn't dying.

I continued to love her from a distance as she grew, and I guess that's all the really matters.

Being a ghost isn't so bad.


Okay guys so here it is- sorry its short and kinda shitty I might do some bonus funny chapters or something but I'm not sure yet.

Love you guys!!! Thanks for reading !

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