Holloween special.

107 6 1

Tw: drug usage, underage drinking, and sexual content.

As the burning liquid ran down my throat the loud music of the party seemed to fade a bit.

Simons form stood dancing sporadically to the music that blared through the speakers.
He turned to look at me, smiling widely.
He reached for the Vodka bottle but I pulled it away.

"You've had enough Si" I watched him make a pouty face and drop to his knees infront of me.

"Please, fine- I'm fine?" He slurred out words.

"No Simon, you're a horrible drunk" laughing i moved my hand to carress his jaw.

"But- but I'll be good, and you can have my xan" rolling my eyes I reluctantly placed the bottle in his hands.

As he gulped the liquid i palmed the pills, looking at the plain white circles.

I had never been a pill taker, infact my father had died from an over dose, but Simon sold them and he did them quite a bit.
I placed them in my pocket, keeping them wouldn't hurt.


Sitting alone in my room, with the buzz of the alcohol still in my blood i stared at my ceiling wondering.

Honestly nights like these are hard, when everything seems so difficult.
My brain isn't functioning right, and its hard to talk, or do anything.

I needed relief, but Simon was passed out drunk.
So I couldn't call him.

The only thing left to do was to drink.

Searching for the bottle I kept in my backpack, I found an empty pack of cigarettes and a empty vodka bottle.


Simon drank the rest, thats right....but he gave me xans....

I reached into my pocket and retrieved the small white pill, placing it on my tounge I swallowed, cringing at the bitter taste that was left on my tounge.

Waiting for it to kick in I found myself panicking, why had I done that.

I've never done anything like this before, alcohol and weed yes, hell I even smoked on the regular but I had stayed away from things like this for a reason.

It sounds stupid to love one drug and hate another but my father had a bad issue when I was younger with things like this.

He and my mom were wild, my mom said Simon reminded her of him.

Wild and crazy, but Simon knew when to stop.
He knew how to stop, he had before when he got addicted to acid.

He stopped for me, my father never could, which eventually lead to him resting six feet under.

Dizzy, and calm, almost cold, almost hot.

It hit me, the drug.

It felt great, I didn't care about anything.
I didn't even care i was laying in the dead center of my floor with my mouth hung open.

Hours passed, it felt like days.
I didn't care, until someone walked into my room.


"(Y/n), oh my God are you okay", he pulled me up.

"Yeah, fine" I didn't even know if I was talking out loud.

"Baby, what did you take" he looked into my eyes and realization took over his features.

"I gave you xans didn't i" he kissed my fore head, "God (Y/n) I'm so sorry".
Finally sober, I sat on my bed with Simon, giggling at a dumb joke he told about some comic he was reading.

He stopped laughing and looked me in the eye.

"I promise ill never get wasted and give you something dumb like that again"

"Until next time?"

"No (Y/n) I'm serious, I love you I never wanna hurt you like that again".

I placed his hand in mine, staring into his green ish grey eyes.

"I love you too Simon"


Sorry for short chapter but 1K reads!!!!! Thats hecking awesome.

Love you guys stay safe!!! And have a rocking Holloween.

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