Love Is In The Air ?

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After that i had missed last lesson and was late home, when at home I ate my dinner not talking, not making eye contact with Nathan. Jack was there to, but because they had spoken about my last boyfriend i thought i had lost my chances with him.

"Good night." i shouted to the house, no reply. I was just laying there indapendent when something happend that i never thought would, Jack just walked in put a blow up mattress on the floor next to my bed. He said nothing for a good twenty minutes. Then at last the awkward silence was broken.

"Forgot Nathan snores." He whispered to me, silence. " Listen about earlier today i..."

" You think im really wiered because i went out with a freak, i know ." Tears welled up in my eyes. Jack stood up went to my bed and sat down, i sat up to so i could see what he was doing. I dont know why i said it but it just blurted out. " Are you single, well of course your not i mean your handsome so of course you have a girl friend how silly of me to ask sorry"

" No, no i dont have a girlfriend and why are you sorry?" His voice was so gental like a lulliby. Jack moved closer to me, it was really dark he just wanted to see me better. Closer and closer untill  I could see his bright blue eyes gleeming at me.

"Why so close?" I said " cant you see, do you want me to move closer?" And with that we both leant forward. Closer and closer. His soft lips touched mine, was i dreaming, i seemed to have Jack , the cutest boy in school kissing me. He edged away smiling.

" I think i love you."  The words i had been wanting to say came out of his mouth. Nathan walked in just as we went in for another kiss. Nathan pulled Jack away from me. Looks like my dream had become a nightmare. Nathan ran into mum telling her that we had kissed, mum thought nothing of it and fell back asleep.

The next day at school Jack came up behind me whilst I was taking my science books out of my locker.

" You want to get lunch again today?" 

" Yeah sure I need to ask you something"

"What is it?"

" Are we, you no um.., girl friend and boy friend?

"You'll see" he whispered "You'll see" 

 Was love was finaly in the air for me ?

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