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The next time Leo saw her outside of school, it was at park when she slowly dragged her feet along the path around the actual park where the children played and laughed. He ran up to her, cupped her cheeks and slightly bent down to kiss her. She reacted instantly, standing on the tips of her toes and putting her hands on his chest like they had kissed a thousand times before.

"What was that for?" She asked breathlessly. She wasn't gasping for air because they were just previously kissing, but rather from the rush of adrenaline it gave her in her veins and the dashing speed her heart was beating in her chest.

"You said I shoudd kiss you. So I did," he smiled at Charlie and she tucked her hair behind her ear as her cheeks heating up in a pink blush. "I'm one hundred percent fever free by the way."

"That's good." Charlie laughed and reached up on her toes to kiss his cheek. "You should kiss me more often."

"I just might," Leo's grin was wide and happy as he kissed her forehead and pulled her into his chest for a hug. Charlie had missed that sort of thing and she gladly snuggled closer to hinto him. "I also think you're beautiful." Her cheeks stayed tinted red. "I can feel you blushing through my shirt." Charlie giggled and they spent the day aimlessly hangout at the park; occasionally going behind a building or big tree to make out for a little and Leo was postive that he wouldn't trade that day for anything.

Then, they sat together by the tree that they had previously hid behind. He interlocked their fingers and she turned her face away with blushing red cheeks which made Leo laugh. He slid back against the tree and Charlie sat in between his bent legs with her back resting against his front. She was glad that she had worn jeans instead of her usual skirt.

He leaned foward and his lips brushed her ear in a hushed whisper. "Charlie?" he asked her with a quiet and shaky voice that made her shiver.

"Yeah?" she squeaked back with her voice an octave higher, she didn't even think that was possible.

"Charlie, I'm in love with you." His words were quiet and smooth, like feeling the wind through your fingers. She drew in a sharp breath and turned back to be face to face with him with a wide smile although her stomach was swimming with anxiety. Her smile completed him and he returned a smile to match her own.

Except his was genuine instead of her fake one as she repeated those words back to him.

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