Chapter 3

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Oh baby a triple! Oh yEAH-



Skid woke up to the sound of his alarm and pressed the snooze button. He slowly sat up and yawns.

He got to feet and walks over to the mirror...


Shit he looks awful...

He wore a black shirt with a skull that looks like it's glitching. The shirt was pretty much too big on him, but it makes a great pajama. He chuckles at himself before grabbing his brush.

10 minutes later...

Skid looks at his alarm clock...

9:20 am...

Time flies doesn't it?

" Skid! Are you awake? "
" Yea Mom, i'm awake! "
" Breakfast will be ready in five minutes! "
" Okay Mom! "

He looks at the date...

... at least it's a Saturday...

5 minutes later...

Skid was still in his pajamas as he walked downstairs. He went into the kitchen and sat on the chair " What's for breakfast? "

" We ran out of chocolate chips, so i made regular pancakes instead. "
" That's okay. The food is still good, with or without chocolate chips. "

Lila kisses her son's forehead as she place the plate in front of him.


Skid walked back into his room and grabs his phone. He sees that he has one missed call and checks to see who called him.




Are you fucking kidding? Another scam call?

Thank god he ignore it or he could have been in serious trouble. He blocked the number and calls Pump. Skid lays down in his bed as he waits for his boyfriend to pick up.

He finally heard a voice " Hi Pump, did you sleep good?... i slept alright. You also sound a bit more tired than usual... ah! I'm sorry! I didn't mean to wake you up! I didn't know you couldn't sleep-... oh... okay... well... are you able to hang out today? I can move it to another day if you want... okay! See you at two?... okay! I love you. ".

Skid makes a kissing noise and hangs up. It worries him that Pump didn't sleep well last night, but it'll be okay right?

A few hours later...

Skid takes off his pajama and searches through his closet.

He grabs a red shirt and puts it on. Skid grabs his costume and puts that on as well. He was about to grab his mask until he heard his phone ring.

Skid answers it " Hey... almost here?... okay. Be down in a sec... bye. ". He hangs up and grabs the mask. Once it was on, he grabs his phone and goes downstairs.

" Mom! I'm hanging out with Pump! "
" Okay sweetie! Be careful! "
" I will! "

Skid opens his door and sees his lover " Pump, you're five minutes early. "
" That means we have more time for our spooky shenanigans. "

Okay that was true...


Skid ate the last of his Bubble Gum flavored lollipop and threw it to a nearby trash can...

" Nice shoot, Skid. "
" Thanks, Pumpy- "

He couldn't continue his sentence because both saw the Hatzgang. Not wanting to deal with them, Pump says " Let's walk past them... ". Skid nods before they tip toed past them. Unfortunately the leader of the trio, Roy noticed them

" Hey! What are YOU freaks doing here? "

Oh god not now...


Cliffhanger lmao-

I will say this... there will be angst in the next chapter, so keep your eyes peeled!

I'm tired, i want sleep, and apparently someone's cAR IS MAKING NOISE-

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