#12 Apex

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Alloy is not looking forward to the end of this show. He saved some of the most complicated situations for last. The god turns on his heel to where he knows the next monster it, lowering the glass wall.

"You either walk down here on your own, or I'm going to drag you down here," Alloy says bluntly, "I think you know by now that I can do it, too."

The King of Negativity is not impressed. Nightmare still wants nothing to do with Alloy. With his incredible power, he's looking more and more like another overpowered god that only serves his own interest. After all, no one came to this amphitheater on their own will. Nightmare is also unwilling to have those here watch his ass be dragged down those stairs. He could snap Error's strings with some effort, but this Alloy is an absolute maniac. Holding his head high, Nightmare glares at anyone who meets his eyes as he walks down. He's tense and ready to take a swipe at anyone despite the glass.

"I appreciate your cooperation," Alloys says when the two stand feet apart. Pretty words won't impress this one.

"What do you want?," Nightmare hisses, "What is all this for?"

"I've already told you. I just want to help."

The god opens another portal. Nightmare flinches and rises up to attack whatever walks through, but his tendrils fall slack when he see who steps into the amphitheater. For the first time in his long, long existence, Nightmare is at a loss for words. His single eye is wide open in shock as he stares.

Golden shackles and chains decorate their body, a mark of pride and commitment to their duty. A magical presence like a roaring fire warms the amphitheater. Instead of looking around at the audience like so many others, Talon's eyes find Nightmare first. Recognition lights up his whole face. Though he doesn't say anything or move, cyan tears trickle from Nightmare's one good eye. The audience is shocked. The King of Negativity never cries.

"Night," Talon calls him, joy and relief and longing all rolled into that single word. He steps forward and reaches for the other. Where Talon's hand touches Nightmare's cheek, the black corruption recedes from the sheer power of Talon's aura. Nightmare hasn't been touched like that in a very long time. He leans into it, some of the damage to his left eye appearing as the corruption flees.

"Is this real?" Nightmare asks quietly, his voice softer than anyone has heard before.

Talon smirks. "I'll leave you to be the judge of that." And then he pulls Nightmare in by the collar for a sweet kiss.

In the audience, Dream has stood up from his seat. He didn't know that his brother could still hold such feelings for someone. Why hasn't Dream met this monster before with how strong of an aura he has? Sitting next to him, Pallet is in shock. Everyone has told him that his uncle had no heart.

"Huh. I guess this is why Boss gets so pissed when we joke about him and Error," Killer mumbles to Horror. The other grunts, not taking his eyes off the scene below.

"How?" Nightmare asks after he and Talon break away. One of his four tentacles is wrapped around Talon's wrist, unwilling to let go ever again.

"Alloy found me," Talon smiles.

Nightmare looks up at the god. "Thank you," he says, not a hint of spite in his voice.

"All I did was give him a little reminder," Alloy ducks his head at the gratitude, "I know you two are overwhelmed right now, but I do have one more thing to tell you," Alloy gently buts in. He's mainly handling this event himself, but the monster in question wanted to explain himself. Alloy gives Nightmare and Talon some space before raising his hand once again. All eyes in the audience turn to look as a glass wall slides down.

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