#4 'Berry Bad Time

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Blue won't stop pacing. His feet make no sound on the ground, and he finds himself muttering nonsense just to prove that sound still exists. Everything around him is a black void. Maybe this is the void. There's no other feature but the blackness.

His mind is still reeling with shock, worry, and confusion. His little Blueprint ran into a full scale battle. He could have been killed, and nearly was! Blue can only stress himself even further over what Blueprint thought was so important. Then there was Alloy. Blue is thankful for what he did, but where the hell did Alloy come from!? There was an ominous tear in the sky, and along with Alloy's strange looks, Blue has a hard time convincing himself that Alloy isn't an outcode. Was he created very recently? Where did he send Blue? Alloy mentioned something about sending everyone to their own AUs, but his place isn't Underswap.

Blue doesn't belong there, anyway.


Sans was once blissfully unaware of the Multiverse, and he thought he was happy, though much of that was was the AU's code at work. Sans never questioned where his brother so often disappeared to. He just assumed Papyrus was lazing about somewhere and hiding from responsibilities.

This peaceful existence changed completely when Sans discovered a horribly injured skeleton laying in the snow near the ruins. He was covered in wounds both old and new. The skeleton was black-boned with what looked like computer errors distorting his body. Sans could never leave a monster in need to fend for themselves. Despite his size, Sans hoisted the much larger Error onto his back and brought him home. Papyrus had once again mysteriously disappeared.

Error woke up to the haunting feeling of magic being used on himself. He freaks out and slams his skull into whoever was above him, making the both fall back. Error has been hurt and attacked so many times that his body registers any magic as a threat. He's forced to ignore attacker, leaning over the couch and violently throwing up the healing magic that had been used on him. This makes Sans freak out as well.

The Destroyer of Worlds was terrified by Sans, and that he might call Ink. This all changed when Sans revealed that he knew nothing about the Multiverse at all. Sans didn't know who Error was. Error has never had a chance to introduce himself before his reputation got around. It was nice. Error flinched every time that he was touched, but Sans diligently bandaged any wound to the best of his ability. The two ended up talking and chatting for hours. Error enjoyed talking to this little skeleton who was so full of questions. He didn't see why Sans shouldn't know about the Multiverse, so Error answered any questions to the best of his ability. The glitch was so very lonely, after all. This is the nicest conversation he's had in years.

Sans wasn't ignorant of the struggles all around him anymore. He learned about Ink the Creator and the AUs he made, good and bad. Error even mentioned his own role vaguely. He was scared that Sans would be scared of him. Sans didn't seem to mind. He may have always been childish, but not stupid. The gears in his head were finally able to work for themselves now that he knew about the Multiverse. The AU didn't hold him as tightly. Error didn't explain the balance between creation and destruction directly, but Sans had a hunch. Error does not seem like a guy to kill thoughtlessly.

Papyrus came home to the Destroyer of Worlds sitting in his living room. Sans had tried to force feed Error, but he was having none of it. Error doesn't remember the last time he ate. Papyrus walked in on Error holding Sans back using his strings. Papyrus knew who this dark-boned skeleton was with just a glance. Ink has told every AU that Error is insane and dangerous. Papyrus wasted no time before attacking. A bone strikes Error deep in the shoulder before he notices the intruder. He screams and glitches badly. Error had felt safe for once and let his guard down. That was a mistake. Error raises a hand and summons a Gaster Blaster.

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