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"I want everyone of you to hide, don't show yourself. Those shooters are good at tricking you at believing they are not here anymore. Be smart!"

Homecoming professer Mr. Seokjin ordered in a firm voice

Everyone scattered and scurried away from their classes to hide under desks, library and labs or behind book shelves or anywhere they felt safer to be in.

The infamous street fighters also underworld gangsters broke out of their den to hunt down the easiest preys they got to catch, hold them hostage and blackmail for money or kill them unless they're worthy rnough to pay the particular amount of money.

Students were crying, few were recording hiding under their safe places while others sat scared and prayed for their life. Everyone were traumatized while the teachers did their best to encourage them with positivity but deep inside they themselves were panicked and anxited but despite the situation they still had enough courage to look after the students.

"Here! Let's hide!" Joy yelled pulling seulgi by her wrist and slowly making her way towards the library with the orange haired beauty behind her.

"Slow down, Joym I'm short!" Yelled seulgi from behind

"I would rather keep up with your whiny-ness than die, hold up for a minute or I'll have to go faster and make you fly up on wind!" Joy gritted out with her teeth

"Whatever!" Seulgi muttered

Soon both the girls reached the library and hid behind one of the large book shelves that belonged to the trustee's granddaughter: Famous and Most mysterious person of the university

There was a huge board on the crown of the shelve's head which read "Kim Jisoo" in big bold golden letters that hung a little lower covering both the girls head's from being exposed if by chance someone comes to blow their brains out.

"I don't have a death wish!"

"Then shut up!"



"Fuck Off!"


Suddenly, they heard footsteps coming their way, eyes widen their breathing ragged and heartbeat escalated 3x extra as they slapped their hand over mouth to muffle the little voice coming from back of their throat.

As they waited for something drastic to happen, the footsteps echoed louder nearing to them and particularly they sounded like.....heels?

Unison both realised, their face morphinv confusion as they looked at ecah other wondering why a shooter or a gangster would wear heels and attack them.

Seulgi cracked a silly smile trying hard not to laugh while picturing a broad man, with sharp features of jaw and grey eyes, wearing all black and walking into their uni wearing heels.

Like a mind reader she is, joy rolls her eyes at seulgi's wild imagination and lightly smacks the back of her head before turning her attention back to the source of voice

It's gone

There's no sound, it was pure silence that scared Joy to core and all she wished was to be six feet under with the crackhead beside her. It escalated real quick, first they ran inside to hide then they thought someone def saw them hiding and came to attack them but instead were met with haunting silence.

It was silent but that screamed a lot of danger of what happens if they step out of their safe place, even for a second or just to have a look at the scene.

Breathe a little hard and you'll get caught.


The sound of heels clicking against the concerte floor were heard, the screams and shouts of students running all the way around the university to hide without getting shot by those almighty gangsters with greasy stomach and oily hair and their breath smelling like poop walking into them and killing them was the fear of death to them.

She sighed in annoyance before walking to her book shelve and grabbing a book from in there, she suddenly froze as she heard someone breathe a little too heavily with their nostrils in ways not to be caught being unaware of the fact they were being Unwantedly obvious.

She rolled her eyes, knowing someone or certain people hid behind her large book shelve to not get caught by the shooters attacking downstairs. She walked awat to her assigned and her own table, set the book on the top and jumped on the table, crossing her legs, leaning in the wall behind and reading the new book she bought from paperback.

'Spanish love deception' written on the cover in cursive and designed writing making it look more stunning and eye catching. It was simply about fake dating when the female protagonist's ex cheated on her with her bestfriend, more like ex bestfriend.

She was half way through the book already, a smile making it's way on her face by the amount of times a scene with different perspectives repeated again and again making the butterflies in her stomach go wild. Her face suddenly morphed into a frozen one when she heard footsteps walking towards her.

She felt a cold metal press against the back of her head as she saw the black gloved hand from her peripheral vision and sighed


That felt oddly unusual to the stranger standing behind her, How could she at a time like this? it's school shoot breakout for the sake of holy god and all she does is sigh?

"What is your name?" That person asked gruffly and she turned around to look at him unbothered by the fact there's gun on her head.

"Kim jisoo. What is your problem? You get excited when you see blood or what? Why are you shooting anyway, it's not a arcade." Jisoo said with straight face.

The guy points down his gun. "What?" He asks confused. Isn't she supposed to look scared or pretend at very least?

"Dumbass!" She says and walks away

"Wait! The school's on fucking raid." He yells from behind and she stops on her tracks but doesn't turn to look at him.

"And?" She says. "You know what you interrupted?" She asks

He looks at her confused and she walks back and pushes her book in his hands "read!" She demands.

His eyes skin over the page she asked to read "and he slides out his cock and pushes it deeper again with one hard stroke. He runs his finger over her clit until she squirms under him begging to cum.

Her tied hands are shaking and her screams are echoing through the walls but that walls are sound proof. "Oh god!" She screams.

He gets down and puts her face between her legs, he puts his tongue on her clit and bites- "

"Ah!" The guy grunts and takes off his mask. "What are you even reading, woman?" He asks and jisoo shrugs.

He has black silky hair and pale skin, his eyes are honey brown and the heart shaped lips make her heart skip a beat.

"Wow! Ethereal!" She says and takes the book back from his hand. "Now go! Stop this bullshit." And she walks away leaving him shell shocked.

30 minutes later the raid has stopped and thankfully no one's injured......

𝐆𝐮𝐧𝐬 & 𝐋𝐨𝐯𝐞 | 𝐊.𝐓𝐡 𝐊.𝐉𝐬Where stories live. Discover now