Mafia KING Console Her

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Katherine paled as that man kept poking the knife on her back.

"Keep walking where I tell you to"

"I-I don't have much money on me. Please let me go. "

The man evilly chuckled. "I will take that too but first, I want something else from you. "

Katherine didn't know if it was her imagination but she thought she heard that the man slurp and lick his tongue. It frightened her even more and she shuddered.

She looking around without alerting him, but she couldn't find anyone on the street to help her.

"Don't even think about it or I didn't hesitate to stab you right now. "

She stiffened.

The man leaned and she could feel his breath on her ear. She paled and felt disgusted. She felt as if her heart would burst out of her chest in fear and in panic.

"First I will you and then take your money too as you said. But first things first. I am hungry and you look delicious." , the man said with smirk.

Tears threatened to form in her eyes.

I have to find a way. I can't let this man **** me.

Under his threat, Katherine slowly started walking. She clutched her bag hard.

Think, Katherine. Think. You can't give up here. Are you seriously going to let him do as he pleases with you?

She bit her lip hard. The man coldly said, "Walk fast. "

She walked trembling with shaking legs as if she would collapse any moment. She glanced at her bag.

Here we go.....

Katherine tripped her own foot against her other one and leaned ahead as if she would fall. She gasped "Ah! "

"Aye! Don't do any tricks. "

For just a second, he withdrew his knife. Katherine took advantage of it and flung her bag at his face with full force.

"Ugh......This girl."

Katherine's heart thudded faster as she balanced herself and ran away.

"You will pay for this" the man said loudly.

Katherine ran faster and faster but could hear the man running behind her too. Her legs were getting wobble for real.

"Hey. Stop. You can't run far away from me. "

Katherine panickly running. Suddenly took turn but it was a dead end. She froze.

The man chuckled behind her as he spoke, "There is nowhere to run now. You dare to hit me. Now I will make it even harder for you. "

Katherine finally burst into tears.

"Stay away from me. Anyone hel...."

The man pressed his hand on her mouth.


Evil Laugh "Nobody will help you. Until somebody comes here, I would be already done eating you. "

Katherine paled.

"Mmmpf...... Mm"

Tears kept rolling down her cheeks. She resisted hard but nothing helping. The man bumped her back against the wall and sheered.

Katherine anxiously shook her head and shut her eyes in panic.

Suddenly, a sharp force pulled him behind. Katherine eyelashes trembled and she slowly opened her eyes. They widened to saw Simon crushing the stalker's neck. But Katherine froze because of the shock.

With his bare arm alone, Simon lifted the man, tightly holding his neck.

The man sharply gasped in pain as he felt every bone in his neck cracking into two. And this whole time, Simon remained unaffected as if he was squashing a bug.

It's that strange feeling again. What is it? I don't like it all. It's irritating.

I don't like when I look at the man. I don't like when he touch Katherine.

"Ugh.... Stop.... Nah.... Leave me. I can't breathe. "

Katherine stopped him to kill him. Simon released his neck and threw him on ground. The stalker run from there.

Simon saw her shiver and saw she still in shock, he held her cheek. He stepped closer to her until they could clearly hear each other's soft breaths.

"Are you okay?  Are you hurt somewhere? "

Katherine's tears popped out from her cheeks and shivering out of shock.

Simon saw that and removed his coat. So, Simon pulled her towards him through her waist and put his coat on her and give her a tight hug.

Surprisingly, Katherine hug him back because she's feeling safe in his shoulder.


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