Beach Scene

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Mia Pov

We're on out way to get Emma, Troy, Jake, and Gia. We decided that Me and Jayden pick them up and then the rest will prepare food!

"I can't wait to see her." -Me

"Same here." -Jayden

"Gia and Jake together is awesome?" -Me

"I know. That was unexpected!" -Jayden

"Very!" -Me
When we got to the airport, I spotted Emma and Troy. They were color coded. Red and Pink.

"Emma! Troy!" -Me

"Mom!" -Emma
I rushed out of the car and she ran to hug me.

"I missed you!" -Me

"I missed you more!" -Emma

"Hey, Mia." -Troy

"Troy! Did you take care of her?" -Me

"Yeah. Very much." -Troy

"I missed you too, big guy." -Me
I hugged Troy too. Tight.

"Where's the Samurai Red?" -Troy

"Right here!" -Jayden

"Men!" -Troy
They did their hand shake. I didn't notice that Gia and Jake were coming.

"Gia!" -Me
I hugged her as well. Then I did the same thing to Jake.

"Where are all your luggages?" -Jayden

"Umm. We told them to send it straight to our house because we won't be able to take it all." -Gia

"Ohh. Anyway, let's go home. They're all waiting." -Me

As soon as we got home, everyone hugged the four andthen we ate dinner.

Emma went inside her room as soon as dinner was over. I decided to follow her. I wanted a conversation with her anyway.

"How was the trip?" -Me

"Mom, it was okay but I missed you too much!" -Emma

"I missed you too." -Me
I hugged her again. She's my littled princess.

"Troy was really sweet, he gave me what a girl would want from her man." -Emma

"And what is that?" -Me

"Love." -Emma

"Did you ever---" -Me

"No, Mom. I'm a virgin." -Emma

"Uh-uh. Anyway, rest and sleep. We're going somewhere tomorrow." -Me

"Where?" -Emma

"You need to wait until tomorrow." -Me

"Fine. Good night, Mom." -Emma

"Good night." -Me
I left her alone.

Troy Pov

I decided to go to the beach today. I missed the New Zealand waves. I'm planning to take Emma with me.

"Good morning, Beautiful." -Me

"Good morning, where you up to?" -Emma

"Beach. Let's go." -Me

"I can't, I'm going somewhere eith my family." -Emma

"Really?" -Me

"Uh-Huh. Sorry." -Emma

"It's alright, you deserve time with them." -Me

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⏰ Ultimo aggiornamento: Mar 26, 2015 ⏰

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