Still Learning

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"So......Is this-" My room was fine, nothing unique about it, nor amazing, all I needed was the essentials, Sure clothes was an exception, Brick had been looking around, and stopped at my personal desk. Where pens were spread out in different places, rubber marks cleaned off to the side, it made him smile, reminding himself of his home.
"I didn't take you for a messy person" grinning sheepishly, as he made himself to the signature pink bed, plopping on top of my bedsheets, I hated that, but I choose to ignore it, there was no need for an argument, especially knowing Brick is my counterpart, I would believe it be hard winning a conversation.
"It's an organised mess." I corrected, he rolled his eyes in mischief, meanwhile, I was tired, exhausted even, but it felt like it had been morning already, but no. It wasn't. And with the Red Ruff around, I'm sure going to be distracted one way, or another, knowing my paranoia was kicking in, I opened out a window for fresh air.
"Whatever you say sweetheart, and-" ugh is he serious? I'm not a fan of nicknames, but there are some exceptions like for example, Bubbles, and Buttercup since they are my 'siblings', but I'm guessing Brick is trying his hardest to get under my skin because there's no way he is saying this out of delight.
"Where I sleep, yes you are correct" I leaned my hand to the air, out from the window, I know it's pointless, but it feels nice, blocking my thoughts, calming myself with a bit of distraction, from the world's hardships, Brick eyed me, as he got comfortable on my bed, great his scent is there now.
"And you are?" He questions, my hand snaked back to its original placement, seriously? No, I shouldn't even judge him, I don't even know where he's been this entire time, and as interesting as that sounds, I know it might be a trigger to him, so I won't bother, yeah I know, I'm a softie like Bubbles.
"18-year-old woman, studying in university, and if you are to ask about what courses I take. You should learn to mind your own business, but what you should know- Is that from now on, you take orders from me, and if you ever do any villainous crime, you know what's coming."
He laughs mockingly, so much for being considerate, but as soon as he ends his taunt with me, it finishes with a gentle smile, stretching his arms forward, to relax his posture.
"Sheesh Bloss, what's got you so stressed? You heard from the professor, I'm a changed man" He says as I could agree in just five seconds of knowing the bomb, god I had wished I'd gotten the Blue 'Boomer', he's practically a dumb version of my sister 'Bubbles', and that was saying something, my attention then got back to Brick, who'd wanted an answer.
"And how? The last time we interacted, your purpose was to destroy me" I groaned, feeling loss, I mean? That is what he was created for, meanwhile, our existence was an accident, and that can be seen as a negative, or positive effect, knowing I can make that a good accident, or a bad accident, and Brick.....It's a sadder truth.
"Didn't say how-" he grinned, my mind flashed on what he was referring to, my cheeks burned gingerly, puffing out my cheeks, realising what that was, god he can be just as gross as his brother, which is Butch, yet I thought I got the better one.
"Ugh your so gross!! God how on earth will I ever get the time to do some studying, if I have to keep your manners in check." Disgusted, I folded my arms together while making sure I distant myself from the Ruff, noticing I was seriously upset by his answer, he still decided to laugh it off jokingly at my reaction.
"Ever heard of a joke red? Chill. Besides it's because my purpose has no satisfaction to me"
Even if that was him being honest, deep down I could figure out, through my doubts triggering in my mind, it's just manipulation, I'm not stupid, I can see he's just playing around with me.

"Well- I'm glad you're able to see from my angle, but that still does not ridicule my suspicion away" I hissed out of spite, like sure, I'm all aboard of a childhood enemy wanting to self redeem himself, but not in a way I expect it to go, Brick wouldn't act like this, it's forced emotions to seemingly playing nice for the early moments, until he actually cracks.
"Don't worry pinky-" I stopped him from continuing his average annoyance,
"And can you stop inventing new nicknames for me, we aren't close?" I groaned like I get it, he's trying to play the 'good guy' here, but that still doesn't mean I'm not uncomfortable around him, I don't exactly have the greatest trust with him either, Brick lips curled to a smile as if loving my pissed reaction.
"Aww, and there was I, who thought we got rid of this pointless feud between us" he chuckled, as he lay more comfy in my bed, rolling my eyes, I just noticed something, where was he going to sleep? There was no way in hell, it was going to be in my bed, that place is off-limits, only for me to use it.
"So aren't you going to teach me anything pinky?" Is he serious? It's like 3:45am, and he's asking me to give out energy to teach him tricks in being a good superhero? No way in hell I'm doing that, maybe tomorrow, but definitely not today, that was certain.
"Again with the nicknames?" I frowned, walking towards him, while folding my arms together, just like Buttercup I don't appreciate guys teasing girls with 'name calling' even if it's light-hearted jokes, Brick eyes furrowed at me as if he read my mind.

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