You put too much hope in me

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Lena runs her hand through Supergirl's hair, as she cried against the CEO's stomach, gripping her shirt and leg. She uncontrollably crying letting everything out. Lena stares down at the blond. "I tried, Lena, I tried but I can't save them." The blond repeats over and over again, as she sobbed.

She had a chance.

A chance to save them, every one. But failed. She can't save a city she swore she would protect. She sighed, as her brows pulled together. "Kara, it's not over yet," She says, finally speaking up. Supergirl looks up at her, it breaks Lena's heart seeing her red and puffy blue eyes.

"You can try again." Kara shook her head. "I can't, Lena," She choked out, holding back a sob. Lena cupped her cheeks, wiping away her stained tears.

"Yes you can," Lena says, firmly. "You have one more shot, Kara," She said, caressing her cheek. The war that the two had started isn't over yet. Not even close to finishing.

"She is still out there," She pointed out.

"Lena I-," Kara starts, Lena shook her head. She can't give up. She needs the hope that she gives others. There is still hope out there. "Don't give up," Lena says, softly, as she stares into her watery blue eyes.

"I believe in you, Kara," Lena said. She always will and always has. And that why Kara couldn't understand this? Why do people put so much hope and trust in her? While she couldn't put one ounce in herself. She doesn't deserve to be the city's hero. When all she does is destroy them.

"How?" She frowned, letting go of Kara, as the blond slowly rose from the ground. "What?" She asked, Kara, sniffled.

"How can you believe in me?" Kara asked, with a clenched jaw.

"I almost killed everyone." She lets out a shaky breath. "I almost killed you and you still trust me," Kara says, she scoffed.

She licked her lips, before biting down on them. As her brows furrowed, sighing. "I can destroy you, destroy the city with a simple touch," Kara says, Lena shook her head.

"But you don't," She said. She could never hurt Lena. She knows that. They both do, at least she hopes.

"You saved me, Kara Danvers," Lena says, reaching out for Kara, she placed her hand on the taller woman's cheek and caressed it. "You are mines and the city's hero," Lena says, Kara closed her eyes, taking in the moment. She shook her head, as her eyes welled up. No. She putting her hope. Her faith. Into the wrong person.

She stepped away from Lena. "I shouldn't be..." Kara says Lena's eyes widen, as she frowned. "I don't deserve to be," Kara says, she swallows, hard. She isn't the hero. It's her fault that she is even here. She caused this. "I will only cause pain." Lena opened her mouth to argue, but Kara shook her head, stopping her.

"I can't be here," Kara says, softly. She couldn't be. "I can't do this," Kara says, firmly, looking up into the green eyes that have welled up.

"I have to go," Kara says, they both knew what she means without her even saying it. If she leaves she's never coming back.

She shook her head, started to walk towards the balcony. "Please don't leave," Lena chocked out, from her shock. She stopped. "Why?" She asked, not even turning to look at her.

She froze, at the words that come from Lena's lips. "Because I love you," Lena says, almost in a whisper, barely audible, if it wasn't for her super hearing she would have never heard her. She has been waiting months. Years to hear that. But now hearing it she can't be here. She can't love her. She doesn't deserve to love her.

She shook her head. "I don't deserve your love, Lena," Kara says, staring out at the night sky. She swallowed,  "I don't deserve anything," She says, firmly, she glances towards Lena, who was staring at her with hope and sorrow. Hoping that she would stay.

She tightly smiled at her. She wants to hold her. And show her that she loves her. With her heart. But how can someone if she doesn't fully love herself? If she stays. If she tried to stay to be with Lena. She would only destroy her. Hurt her. She couldn't. She can't. She would rather give up and leave her than stay and hurt her. She is doing this because she loves although this is going to hurt both of them. "I'm sorry, Lena," Kara says, looking up at the sky and flying away. Lena walked towards the balcony, as she watched Kara's figure fly away. She sniffled, before choking out a sob.

The one person, she loved and trust. Left. It killed her. Deeply. She wants to hate her. To be mad. But she can't because she understands. She uses Kara. And her pain. But it doesn't mean it didn't hurt.

I gave up. On us. On the city. On myself. I wasn't okay, I wasn't ready. I can't save the world when I needed saving. I wasn't right for Supergirl. I wasn't right for Kara Danvers. I wasn't right for you. And I'm sorry. I needed leave. I needed to start over to find myself again. I love you and I want you to know. I had to leave to protect you and myself. You don't need me or the city. I will always love you, Lena Luthor, but I'm just not right for you.

Farewell, Kara Danvers.

A tear rolled down her cheek as she read the letter. It's been four months since she left. She was sitting in her office, with a glass of whiskey in her hand. The city is safe. Saved. She was right they didn't need her. They wanted her.

Her jaw clenched, and she downed her drink, feeling a  burning sensation in her throat, she sighed. But she had to give up.

To save the one person who needed to be saved.


Should I make a part 2? (Much longer version) Where Kara comes back and everything goes on from there?

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