Confusion from the Other Side

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A/N: More of that character death stuff. General Violence, a reminder that Steve doesn't know as much as you or Bucky/Reader does, and when writing this I opened the jar on my desk to collect tears. 


Your POV

I wake up, bursting awake in a flash. I'm still in Sam's arms, Nat's fingers on my neck taking my pulse. The black widow jumps eyes wide as I gasp hard and pull myself back up in a flash. Time moves differently in dreams. My eyes are wild, my breath hard as I drag myself to stand on my own.

Sam lifts his hands up to calm me. "That was fast."

"I found him." I gasp, unconsciously rubbing the scar in my shoulder of the near-fatal shot to the chest I took in my last altercation with these people. "It's not just Hydra... it is Hughes."

"Hughes?" Asks the King of Wakanda, voice low, calm and curious.

Tony seems a little serious for a moment. "A super psycho Hydra Captain that Captured Steve, Y/N, and Bucky a year ago. We thought he was dead."

I look down at Bucky. I can't just leave him. Fury seems to know my choice. "You need to help them find Steve; Bucky is in good hands here." I feel doubt wave off Tony. He knows the most about Bucky's original arm, and if the brunette is going to be fully functional, he wants to help. I feel a swell of thankfulness in me.

The sound of Nat loading her gun is actually quite comforting. "Tony... don't pressure him to take the arm. It's his decision, you hear me." He just nods strong and simple; the assumption is he will stay.

Sam walks out. "I'll grab my suit and meet you at the Quinjet." Clint slips out wordlessly as well. The Wakandan King looks at me with curiosity, and I just shoot him a smile.

"Thank you for taking care of Bucky and Wanda," I tell him; he nods as I pass him, touching the edge of his elbow and letting a rush of gratitude touch him. He looks at me, intensely interested, and nods to accept my thanks. Wanda smiles trailing next to me. She likes Cap. She's coming.


Steve POV

I feel her strength leave me, I know I am the super soldier, but after so long feeling her in my head when she isn't there, I feel light and empty. Like a balloon ready to be unmoored and float away. I look down at Hughes and hate rolls through me. This fucker. I thought we got this fucker out of our lives. I thought he would be dead or jailed by now. Honestly, if he had gotten out of the base before the Avengers clean-swept it, then I wouldn't be surprised. He was a fucking slippery son of a bitch the first time and I should have killed him myself or let Bucky do it instead of putting him in a cell. I know that isn't right, and I would never have done it really, but I also know if this had been 1943 Bucky would have shot him when I left the cell, and we would never have talked about it. I feel my insides twist. I should have killed him when I had the chance, this was ridiculous and all my fault.

Hughes smirks, his head tilting. "You know Mr. Rogers, you took a lot from me." Ah good, evil monologuing time. I jerk at the bonds around me, they creek with effort but they are strong. "I wouldn't bother with that. We made them to hold your fuck buddy Barnes, and he wasn't able to break out of them for 70 years."

The Hydra man smirked wide as the people around him busied themselves with their tasks. "What did I take from you?" I ask, releasing the tension in my arms and feeling my stomach sink.

"Because of you; The Winter Soldier escaped on my detail. One look at your beautiful face, and he just fell in line to fall on his knees and suck your cock didn't he." I feel myself flinch. Great. He's a homophobic asshole too. Perfect. As if he wasn't disgusting enough already. "I lost my entire team to him in the woods for that fucker. I lost a base to you and that bitch. I almost lost my research."

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