The Hospital

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Travis' POV

When at the hospital seeing the girl I had just confessed to laying in a hospital bed, I felt helpless. Katelyn's dad asked me my name so he knew it when she woke up, I don't know why he would need that but a minute or so later Katelyn arose. "What happened?" she asked, sitting up and rubbing her head.
"Katelyn~Sama's brain malfunctioned." Kawaii~Chan explained.
"Again!? Dad, what's the reminding word?" At the time, I thought Katelyn was questioning her own existence but, now thinking about it, I think maybe she might have been wondering how her brain had malfunctioned. Her dad simply replied with my name but at the time I didn't know why this special 'remembering word' was my name. Now I think of it, my name might be the remembering word because it will help Katelyn remember my confession to her. "Dad, can you leave us alone for, like, two minutes? I need to tell these guys something."
"Ok, I'll be back in about five minutes. See you then." staled Katelyn's dad as he walked to the door.

I think we all felt helpless at the sight of Katelyn in the hospital bed but Aphmau is Aphmau and Kawaii~Chan is a mystery to me so I can't speak for the either of them. I think this must have happened before when they were there though as Kawaii~Chan asked, "How does Katelyn~Sama feel this time?"
"I'm fine, thanks Kawaii~Chan." replied Katelyn. "So, Travis. Aph, help me! What do I say? Your the pro at this kind of thing, not me!"
"Actually, it's KC that's the pro but I guess you could say..." Aph said something else but I couldn't hear it as she stared whispering in Katelyn's ear.

Aphmau's POV

"I like you, and then you could add your own personal twist like doofus or something." I whispered into Katelyn's ear.
"Ahem, now I have been told what to say, I shall say it." announced Katelyn, "I like you, doofus."
"Umm. I. Err. I. Wanna be my girlfriend?"
"Sure, doofus."
"Will, you stop calling me doofus? Please?"
"It shall be what Kawaii~Chan and Katelyn~Sama call you until the end of time!"
"Well, we should probably stop arguing about what you guys are going to call Travis and let Eric back in!" I suggested but Travis looked confused about who Eric was so I added, "Eric is Katelyn's dad Travis."
"Oh, thanks for telling me." Travis thanked.
"No problem."

We let Eric back into the room we were in and he asked what we had to talk about. We made up the excuse that we had to talk abut Kawaii~Chan's love life but then he asked what about KC's love life so she gave in and told him that she had a boyfriend. Eric finally laid off and realised that she didn't want him to pry any further so he told us that Katelyn could go home and that we would see her tomorrow at school. We went to our separate houses to get some rest for the next day of school.

When I started writing this chapter, I thought of many ways this story could go but I have finally come to the decision of how this will go. For the purpose of the plot, Zane is friends with Aaron because otherwise I don't know how I would incorporate him except him sitting next to Aphmau in werewolf class and no on wants to sit and read a fan fic that has lots of time spent in class, at least I don't think so (I also don't think that would be very fun to write). Thank you for reading this chapter! Constructive criticism only!

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