"What?! I got a bell!" The Galminaze boy shouted, showing his silver bell within his hand. "As do I sensi!" The red haired girl shouted, her bell in her fist but you could notice the string.
"But," She started, pushing her large form off the ground "At what cost?" She asked, looking at her son and student.
"What do you mean?" Both asked at once. "You'd let your teammate, Jinx, fight me head on.. What if there were 4 more of me on him? You think he can handle jounin, possible higher level, ninjas by himself?" Her voice was soft but stern. Her son knew that tone, it meant they did bad. "But.. Mom! He offered!"
"Those who don't follow the rules are trash. Those who abandon their friends, are worse then trash." Her voice had got louder to a normal tone but the sterness remained.
The Inuzuka girl looked down, the Galminaze boy followed.
"KuKu-sensi.. Its not their fault that I put myself on the line," The Uzumaki boy spoke, coming to their defense "I'd put my life on the line for my team mates. No matter what!" He shouted at her.
She smiled, taking out three things. "You passed." She whispered.
"What?!" Xion yelled. "You passed. You have someone on your team who's willing to fight for you.. Even at the risk of his life,"
She looked at Chamonix "She has smarts.. She works well under pressure which I'd say is rare,"
Her gazed settled on her son "And you. You have enough energy, courage and bravery to take me on after seeing your friend fall. Thats what a true shinobi does." She threw their forehead protectors down.
The Uzumaki boy grabbed his first, being his friends told him he deserved to be first, he put it over his eyes and moved his bandages to his forehead to cover a mark.
Chamonix got hers second, Xion wanting her to be a genin before her, putting her neck.
Finally, Xion got his and putting it on his forehead where his bandages were to hide his mark.
"Welcome to Team Nine." She smiled.
Again. Sorry for the short chapter. I'm also going to get someone to edit these. Thanks for reading!

FanfictionThis is my own OC story on Naruto. I own the characters and story line, the only thing that I don't own is the places. This is the story of a little boy named Xion, his mother is the Hokage, his father.. is unknown. He's a calm, collective boy who d...