𝑨 𝒏𝒊𝒄𝒆 𝒎𝒐𝒓𝒏𝒊𝒏𝒈

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Heyo guys
I caught my gf staring a picture I sent her today...(no nudes wtf I'm talking about a pic of my face cuz we aren't going to see each other for 2 weeks)
Anyways I'm writing this chapter while rewatching IT Chapter 2 lol



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~Y/n P.O.V.~

It was a Sunday morning. The Sunday morning after the concert yesterday. The entire night through my head was repeating one moment again and again; the small kiss Ibuki planted on my cheek.
As soon as I woke up, the kiss appeared right before me again. I held my cheek as I smiled brightly.

The whole night through my mind was full of her. Her smile, her looks, her... everything. But mostly the kiss.
I felt the need to text her right away but I didn't want to seem creepy... somehow.

I stood up and went to the bathroom to fresh myself up a bit. Afterwards I sat back down on my bed and scrolled through my phone as always. I checked up my messages as I saw a one of Ibuki.


Heyoo Y/n!
I just wanted to say again that I realllyyyyyy enjoyed yesterday ヽ(>∀<☆)ノ
Can't wait to hang out with you again (≧◡≦)

Hey Ibuki :D
I really enjoyed it as well >:3


I looked at the message as I was questioning what else to write. Ugh brain c'mon... you always work that well why are you suddenly out of words..???
I thought and thought as finally something came to my mind.


Good morning btw :]
How are you?

Good morning \( ̄▽ ̄)/
I'm good, what about you? ( ˙꒳​˙ )

I'm good too :3


Afterwards I ran out of ideas on what to say, so I just put my phone away and went downstairs to breakfast the same cereals as always. I looked at the news as I saw something outstanding.
'L/n Y/n and Mioda Ibuki seen on a concert'
'Were they on a date or just platonically?'

I rolled my eyes as I saw that. They really need to stuck their nose that deep inside someone else's life?

*bzzt bzzt*
Incomming call; Ibuki

I narrowed my eyes as I answered the call.
"Hiyaa Y/n! Nice breakfast you got there. Do you put cereals first or the milk?" She questioned.
"Uh... first of all hi- second of all cereals..?" I answered as I clearly looked confused.
(A/n: if anyone says otherwise yall invalid /hj<3)

"What I actually called for was... did you see the news? They apparently ship us lmao." Ibuki said as she turned the camera to show the news. I smiled at the fact that she said lmao out loud.
"Yeah I just saw the news... jeez they really can't just let their business be theirs." I said as I put another spoon of cereals into my mouth.
"Welp that's how it is. They need something to entertain those news greedy people."

I thought back about the kiss she planted on my cheek. I could ask her about that but... I don't know how.
"Y/n??" Ibuki asked.
"Hm?" I said as I looked back at my phone. "Sorry... drifted off there." I said.
"Are you okay?? Are you... maybe sick??? How high is your fever????" She asked as she put her phone closer to her face.
"Woah woah hey- calm down I just drifted off." I answered.

"Hmm..." she hummed as she took her phone to distance again and looked at me in distrust. Soon that facial expression turned into a smiling one. "Okay!"
"Well I will continue eating breakfast then. I'll text you later." I said as she nodded. "Byeee!"

I put my phone away and leaned back on the couch. What did that kiss mean to her? Why did she kiss my cheek? I sighed as my thoughts continued.

After eating my breakfast I put the bowl away and turned off the TV. It was 4pm due to the fact that I wake up so late whenever I don't have to go to school.
I suppose taking a relaxing bath would be really cool right now.

I let in a bath for me as I put the bath bomb that ai newly bought inside it. It was (f/c) and as soon as I put it in, it started to foam and fill the bathtub with (f/c).
I took of my clothes and went inside it as I enjoyed the hot water on my body.

As soon as I did though I heard the doorbell ring. Bro what the- right where I want to enjoy a damn bath??
I decided to ignore the person and continued to take a relaxing bath. That was until my fucking phone started ringing.

I looked over at my phone, annoyed. I took it as I saw Ibuki's name displaying.
I decided to answer the call.
"Y/n I just rang your doorbell why didn't you answer???" She said loudly.
"Why didn't you tell me earlier that you're comming over? I just went to take a bath..." I said as I sighed.
"Oh well anyways I just lwt myself in because I found the key. Can I come and see you taking a bath?"
"Wh- Ibuki!" I said as I felt so fucking embarrassed.

"I'll take that as a no?" She said as I heard her actual voice echo through my apartment.
"Damnit you are actually inside my apartment??"
"Well yeah. Would I lie to you?" I heard a knock on the bathroom door.
"Helloo?" She said from outside the door.
"Ibuki I dare you, don't come inside. Pleasee?" I plead as I burried myself inside the water.
"Mkay I'll just look what you have to eat." She said as I heard footsteps going away again.
"I'll continue taking my bath then... feel yourself at home."

I sighed as I ended the call and laid back into the bathtub. What the hell just happened...?


Oooo another chapter is completed
Well I'll update a new chapter tomorrow again :D

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